Comments on: SOTT Earth Changes Summary – December 2022: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs Exploring The Unknown Thu, 26 Jan 2023 00:31:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: loou loou 💓🙂 Thu, 26 Jan 2023 00:31:18 +0000 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞]]> 😞😞😞😞😞😞😞😞

By: Drawde1Joints1Sneek Tue, 24 Jan 2023 11:13:37 +0000 Europe is emigration is going back to Africa

By: THOMAS MITCHELL Mon, 23 Jan 2023 06:43:17 +0000 For the why go here, download and show all you can

By: Samuel Smith Sun, 22 Jan 2023 05:15:47 +0000 God is calling, repent and turn to the Lord before its to late.
All is for the glory of God. What is happening cannot be stopped

By: Ebenezer Blackadder Sat, 21 Jan 2023 18:38:40 +0000 If you wanna see some superfreak shit regarding the "weather", check my ch.

By: Ebenezer Blackadder Sat, 21 Jan 2023 18:37:43 +0000 Earth changes are real. And it's not manmade, to be blamed on humans.

By: a simple horseman Thu, 19 Jan 2023 00:44:15 +0000 Isn't engineered weather assault just grand. Be nice to Uncle Sam, "or else".

By: Andrejka Tue, 17 Jan 2023 17:15:15 +0000 They are called signs of the times for a reason, Lord Jesus Christs' return is imminent.

By: Dennis J. Isreal Mon, 16 Jan 2023 21:10:57 +0000 <b>Romans 1:17-32 For Herein Is The Righteousness Of GOD Revealed From Faith To Faith: As It Is Written, The Just Shall Live By: Faith, Hope and Charity. For The Wrath OF GOD Is Revealed From Heaven Against All Ungodliness And Unrighteousness OF: Human Beings, Who Hold GOD'S Truth In Unrighteousness; Because That Which May Be Known OF GOD Is Manifest In And Before Them; For GOD Hath Showed It Unto Them. For The Invisible Things OF HIM, FROM HE AND HIS SON, Creation Of The World Are Clearly Seen, Being Understood By The Things That Are Made OF HIM, Even HIS Eternal: Impeccable Sovereign Integrity, SUPERIOR ALMIGHTY SUPREME POWER; So That They Are Without Excuse: Because That, When They Knew GOD, They Glorified HIM Not AS GOD; Butt Themselves, And Neither Were HIS Human Beings: Thankful Or Grateful; But Became Vain In Their Lewd Vile Imaginations, And Their Foolish Hearts Were Darkened. Professing Themselves To Be Wise, They Became Fools, And Changed The Glory OF Our Incorruptible GOD Into Image Made In THE Likeness Of Corruptible Mankind, Birds, Four-footed Beasts, and Creeping Of Lands and Seas. Wherefore GOD Also Give You Up To Uncleanness Through The Lusts Of Their Own Darkened Evil Hearts, To Dishonor Their Own Bodies Between Themselves: Who Changed The Truth OF GOD Into Despicable Lies, And Worshipped And Served The Creatures More Than Our Superior Creator And Saviour, Who Are Blessed For Ever. Amen. For This Cause GOD Gave Them Up Unto Vile Affections: For Even Their Women Did Change The Natural Use Into That Which Is Against GOD'S Nature, For HIS Human Beings: And Likewise Also The Men, Leaving The Natural Use Of The Woman, Burned In Their Lust One Toward Another; Men With Men Working That Which Is Ungodly and Unnatural, Receiving Into Themselves That Recompense Of Their Errors Which Was Meet. And Even As They Did Not Like To Retain GOD In Their Thinking and Knowledge, GOD Gave Them Over To A Reprobate Mind, To Do Those Things Which Are Not Commendable; Being Filled With All Unrighteousness: Fornication With STDS, Wickedness, Covetousness, Maliciousness; Full Of Envy, Murder, Debate, Rebellious, Deceit, Malignity; Whisperers, Backbiters, HATERS OF GOD AND HIS SAVED: Humane Beings, Despiteful, Proud, Narcissistic, Boasters, Arrogant, Egotistical Inventors Of Evil Things, Disobedient To Parents, Without understanding, Covenant Breakers, Without Natural Affection, Implacable, Unmerciful; And Who Knowing The Judgment Of GOD, For Them Which Commit Such Things Are Worthy Of Death, Not Only Do They The Same, But Have Ungodly: Pain and Pleasure In Them That Do: Satan's Scandalous: Secularism and Seductions, To Lives Lucifer's: Lust With Their Eyes and Flesh, By The D-EVIL': Enmity Against GOD And His Saved People, Deceptions; And Deceit, Deceiving 1 An Another With Ungodly Damnable Devilish Acts.</b> 🤔]]> 😇 Romans 1:17-32 For Herein Is The Righteousness Of GOD Revealed From Faith To Faith: As It Is Written, The Just Shall Live By: Faith, Hope and Charity. For The Wrath OF GOD Is Revealed From Heaven Against All Ungodliness And Unrighteousness OF: Human Beings, Who Hold GOD'S Truth In Unrighteousness; Because That Which May Be Known OF GOD Is Manifest In And Before Them; For GOD Hath Showed It Unto Them. For The Invisible Things OF HIM, FROM HE AND HIS SON, Creation Of The World Are Clearly Seen, Being Understood By The Things That Are Made OF HIM, Even HIS Eternal: Impeccable Sovereign Integrity, SUPERIOR ALMIGHTY SUPREME POWER; So That They Are Without Excuse: Because That, When They Knew GOD, They Glorified HIM Not AS GOD; Butt Themselves, And Neither Were HIS Human Beings: Thankful Or Grateful; But Became Vain In Their Lewd Vile Imaginations, And Their Foolish Hearts Were Darkened. Professing Themselves To Be Wise, They Became Fools, And Changed The Glory OF Our Incorruptible GOD Into Image Made In THE Likeness Of Corruptible Mankind, Birds, Four-footed Beasts, and Creeping Of Lands and Seas. Wherefore GOD Also Give You Up To Uncleanness Through The Lusts Of Their Own Darkened Evil Hearts, To Dishonor Their Own Bodies Between Themselves: Who Changed The Truth OF GOD Into Despicable Lies, And Worshipped And Served The Creatures More Than Our Superior Creator And Saviour, Who Are Blessed For Ever. Amen. For This Cause GOD Gave Them Up Unto Vile Affections: For Even Their Women Did Change The Natural Use Into That Which Is Against GOD'S Nature, For HIS Human Beings: And Likewise Also The Men, Leaving The Natural Use Of The Woman, Burned In Their Lust One Toward Another; Men With Men Working That Which Is Ungodly and Unnatural, Receiving Into Themselves That Recompense Of Their Errors Which Was Meet. And Even As They Did Not Like To Retain GOD In Their Thinking and Knowledge, GOD Gave Them Over To A Reprobate Mind, To Do Those Things Which Are Not Commendable; Being Filled With All Unrighteousness: Fornication With STDS, Wickedness, Covetousness, Maliciousness; Full Of Envy, Murder, Debate, Rebellious, Deceit, Malignity; Whisperers, Backbiters, HATERS OF GOD AND HIS SAVED: Humane Beings, Despiteful, Proud, Narcissistic, Boasters, Arrogant, Egotistical Inventors Of Evil Things, Disobedient To Parents, Without understanding, Covenant Breakers, Without Natural Affection, Implacable, Unmerciful; And Who Knowing The Judgment Of GOD, For Them Which Commit Such Things Are Worthy Of Death, Not Only Do They The Same, But Have Ungodly: Pain and Pleasure In Them That Do: Satan's Scandalous: Secularism and Seductions, To Lives Lucifer's: Lust With Their Eyes and Flesh, By The D-EVIL': Enmity Against GOD And His Saved People, Deceptions; And Deceit, Deceiving 1 An Another With Ungodly Damnable Devilish Acts. 🤔

By: John Peter Thu, 12 Jan 2023 07:34:43 +0000 Thank you for all these videos over the years.
We are in for one hell of a ride as this planet heats up.
