Strange Weather

South African Reacts to 10 Strangest Weather Events In US History

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As much as I like to think I’d be brave I think I’d be terrified of some of these.
South African Reacts to 10 Strangest Weather Events In US History

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Jono Graham Reacts June 29, 2023 at 2:25 pm

Whats the worst weather even you have personally ever experienced?

Easy Breezy June 30, 2023 at 8:43 am

I have personally experienced cold as low as -40c and one storm as much as 2m of snow in less than a few hours. I am from an area directly west of Lake Ontario (Great Lake) that typically gets crazy amount of snow. The west coast of the USA gets earthquakes BUT the state of Missouri actually has the record outside of Alaska for the largest earthquake. They continue to get a lot of earthquakes and it confused a lot of scientists for a long time.

Rocky June 30, 2023 at 1:14 pm

Fahrenheit and Celsius equal out at -40

invisigoth510 June 30, 2023 at 4:10 pm

Mormon crickets are swarming in Nevada

Worst weather I’ve experienced have been hurricanes

Paul From Junee July 1, 2023 at 4:06 am

G'day Sir Jono congrats on the rise in subs , I like Biltong I buy it online I can make it myself but I'm lazy so I buy it online . It's way better than American jerky in my opinion.
Anyway I luke your video's 🎉

Andrew Johnson July 1, 2023 at 3:39 pm

-56.667 celsius = -70f

Carol Wheeler July 2, 2023 at 1:19 am

Congratulations 🎉 thanks for your reactions I love them 🙂

JCC Epic Family Fun July 2, 2023 at 6:58 pm

Hi Jono! Great reaction! I'm in the Chicago area and we get typical Midwest weather. We get four seasons. It's very hot in the summer (swimming, sun, and fun,) and very cold in the winter (super dry and cold with snow.) We can get pretty bad storms all of the year. All and all it's not too bad. You get used to it! Our houses are built for 4 seasons and can take it, minus a major event like a powerful tornado, which are localized to a smallish area versus a hurricane which can destroy miles and miles of houses and businesses.

Beth King July 4, 2023 at 3:42 am

Sharknado! 😂😂❤

Eric Morgan July 4, 2023 at 4:47 am

A good dry cold of -20F with no wind, is a lot better than 32F humid cold. That humid cold weather will chill you from the inside out.

David Nelson July 4, 2023 at 7:42 pm

If you live in tornado prone areas you do have insurance coverage for that. My wife is a supervisor for a catastrophe claims adjusting team them for heartford insurance company. And people do get their homes rebuilt.

MILDRED PIERCE July 6, 2023 at 8:35 pm

The west coast is known for earthquakes but it’s not weather related and they are highly unpredictable.

S.MD63 July 7, 2023 at 7:58 am

YES! We get earthquakes!

Stepperg1 July 7, 2023 at 6:53 pm

Earthquakes you say? Well, we just had a small one the other day, a 4.1 I think but I didn't feel it and that's quite normal for Southern California. We have them all the time. The biggest one I've ever been through was a 7.7 in Bakersfield. We lived in LA at the time but it was wild. That was 1952, yeah, I'm old but its my very first memory because the telephone poles were snapping like the 4th of July. I was only 2 but I truly do remember it. My someday to be husband was in Bakersfield and his dad had to grab him during an aftershock because he was about to fall in a huge crack that ran in front of their house.

We have times like we're having now when not much is moving, then we have very active times. It can get really wild but I wouldn't trade our quakes for tornadoes or hurricanes, ever! There's security in the fact that, even though the earth is moving, it's still earth.
My mother never let us be afraid of them. She made a game about them, "quick! Get in the hall and watch the rockingchair move all by itself!". I was never afraid and I've been through some big ones.

hkjuhu campbell July 8, 2023 at 6:11 pm

Hurricanes and tornadoes are usual happenings every year and not that strange.

Rhiahl July 13, 2023 at 10:48 am

I had four days last winter were the temperature was -48 F (-44 C in your neck of the woods) without the wind chill. Then the furnace started acting up. The repair people were backed up and couldn't get here. We did two of the four days with no heat. We finally were able to fix the furnace ourselves, but dang it was cold. We were heating up socks with rice in them in the microwave and stuffing them into the beds and staying under cover. I'm installing a wood stove this summer. That was brutal.

David Pernicone July 15, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Earthquakes are pretty much on the West Coast.

GJHS July 16, 2023 at 7:56 pm

There's detailed biggest tornados ever recorded by a YouTuber named Pecos Hank. Great videos

Sandy Angel July 16, 2023 at 9:23 pm

Insurance will cover plus we have FEMA which helps us by giving us money and temporary housing. The housing is trailers or campers.. then you have citizens not effect from all over the country also donating money clothing and bedding. People here are very generous and alway ready to help with cleanup rebuilds food and anything the effected area needs.

Sandy Angel July 16, 2023 at 9:38 pm

As Americans this is normal for us. We are taught what to do. Like if a toronto is coming we go to cellers underground shelters. If you don't have either you get in the bathtub. The Toronto can rip your whole house away but the tub will still be there. I think it's the pipes that keeps it there. Earthquakes you stand in doorways where it's the strongest or get outside. Blizzards you stay at home till it passes. Hurricanes you head to evacuation centers unless you have a block home or just leave the area the storm is projected to hit. I can remember in school we had practice air raids. We had to get under our desks. Heat waves are the reason all Americans have ACs. They save lives.

Kate G July 23, 2023 at 6:02 am

Right after I moved back to Texas in 2010, I heard what sounded like rainfall out of a clear blue afternoon sky. This was either August or September I believe. I looked out and saw nothing, so I put my shoes on and walked out to our front gate. There were hundreds of tiny minnow type fishes across the front lawn, on top of the house and all over the backyard. The local news came out and their meteorologists never had an answer to what caused it.

Timothy Stern July 23, 2023 at 11:13 pm

There is a federal organization called FEMA its an emergency organization that like the American Red Cross, helps people with food water and lodging after storms and Earth quakes.
Earth Quakes are common around the San Andreas fault, most in the area are waiting for what they call the ' Big One ' that will sink half of California.
-70 degrees Fahrenheit is -51 degrees Celsius, and +140 degrees Fahrenheit is 60.5 degrees Celsius


Timothy Stern July 23, 2023 at 11:16 pm

Oh I have a question, you channel reads South African Reacts to… you recently said you now live in Slovakia 🇸🇰 why the change?


Reshtarc July 23, 2023 at 11:35 pm

-56.6 C

Megan July 24, 2023 at 11:15 am

For your question about people who lose homes bc of tornadoes, yes, people have house insurance. Not all tho unfortunately. But even if you have insurance it can take many months to get your home rebuilt. Insurance companies don’t make it easy for you bc they just don’t want to have to pay even if it’s covered. Same w health insurance for many. Are we used to tornadoes & bad storms? Yes. (Or at least for people in tornado prone areas. I live in Georgia aka Dixie alley) we have at least 1 or 2 a year. Depends on the year tho. Most of our storm damage each year is bc of straight line winds(which, believe or not, can be just as damaging as a small tornado) & lightning. My grandfather’s house next door has been hit by lightning twice in the last year 😂😂 We were in the path of an EF3 this January, but luckily it lifted right before it hit us. It was still a strong rotating system & the wind actually cracked an 200 year old oak at the base. We have an above ground shelter (a shipping container w concrete floor & ceiling). All we can do is hope that the shelter holds up & follow our tornado plan. My husband will be the one to hold/shield our toddler. God forbid if the shelter doesn’t hold up or debris comes in, she has a better chance w him than me. I’m very small & my husband is a big guy (6.5’). I know my body wouldn’t be able to take as much damage/hits or I would be one of the first to get sucked out. (Debris is what usually kills you in a tornado) I know it’s a very morbid conversation, but we have to plan for the worse. Also, helmets. He wear helmets during them. We always look so stupid but if it helps, it helps 😂

innocentsweetiepie July 28, 2023 at 11:24 am

I LOVE THE COLD!!!…..HATE THE HEAT…..I've grown up in what is known as Tornado Alley and 2out of every 3 storms usually have the tornado warning sirens going off but it's just second nature to us….unless house shaking or broken glass happen you just keep reading or watching TV or whatever you are doing

Greg Kerr August 3, 2023 at 10:54 pm

I think most of the rest of the world view America and Americans as a soft people and a soft and easy place to live. That's false. You need to think of all the settlers had to overcome in order to make this country what it is today. Even with today's advances in cooling and heating, life can sometimes be unpleasant due to excessive heat and cold. Forest and brush fires can be major destructive events in some areas of the country and hundreds and even thousands of homes are sometimes lost. If you live on the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico it's not a case of if you'll experience a hurricane, but when. Many areas here experience lots of powerful thunderstorms. I own some property in Michigan's Upper Peninsula near Lake Superior where annual snowfall is measured in feet instead of inches. Tornadoes are common in many areas and they have literally levelled entire towns. Extreme heat that can even be life threatening occurs in some areas on a yearly basis. We're having a big thunderstorm as I'm typing this comment. Weather is definitely a hot topic of conversation in the States.

Linda Carroll August 6, 2023 at 4:52 am

Also in Alabama, the Head Family Farm built a structure around their shelter so you cannot tell what it is, then built a coop for their exotic chickens and pigeons on the back. The Walkers in Oklahoma have a shelter built into the middle of their house that is entered through their youngest son's closet. They just built him some shelves where he can actually hang his clothes.
There are lots of places where tornadoes regularly occur that have basements or cellars where people can shelter, but some areas cannot build basements for various reasons and have to build above ground shelters. In leu of that, people are instructed to go to a closet or bathroom in the middle of the house (no windows) and cover themselves with mattresses.
I think you should note that this is entitled strange weather. Tornadoes, hurricanes, thunderstorms and blizzards are not considered strange weather. There are times of the year and places where it is a matter of when, not if.

Justhavingfun78 August 20, 2023 at 5:35 am

negative 70 degrees Fahrenheit is negative 56.6667 degrees Celsius — you have to have special coverage for flooding and tornado damage in your policy to cover a lot of the damage (but nothing is 100% covered) – most in the central US have this in their home insurance although it is expensive (also depends on the deductible)

RC HORSMAN August 29, 2023 at 2:08 am

In Oklahoma we are called Tornadoe alley, Especially around oklahoma city and tulsa, Oklahoma city has been Tore up by the largest and meanest, the have been 3 F-5, 5 F-4 on the fegeta scale 5 being the worse going through the thickest Neighborhood you could imagine. The cold air comed down from the Rocky mountains and clash with the warm Gulf air coming from our South spawns these Tonados. The are video of the worse of these storms that the twiters we call them was almost 3 miles wide at the base. May 3, 1999 the F-5 went through Moore Oklahoma which is where they fo most of the wide nation reporting on weather, but this one had wind speed topping out at 380 MPH, the mist powerful winds on the earth. U have to check these videos of how powerful nature can be, I lmow U have plenty of suggestions, but it is crazy when U watch a video that your eyes are back and forth, not a bad thing, but U are definitely interested, when U are able to watch these, be warned. God Bless

Dean Firnatine September 12, 2023 at 4:24 am

West Coast and Alaska certainly get quakes and a few in the Rocky Mountain states, quakes of a large size are rare East of the Rockies but they do happen, early 1800's they had a massive one in SE Missouri they felt on the East coast and they had a decent sized one in Virginia a few years ago.

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