Square Outline Of A Huge UFO Over Virginia Beach, Oct 8, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: Oct 8, 2021

Location of sighting: Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA

Source: MUFON #118502

An eyewitness saw a mile lit up doorway in the sky yesterday. The light is actually not a doorway, but the outline of a UFO that has come down from the sky and rested in the cloud cover itself. The UFO pushes the clouds slightly making a thiner line around its edges and thus…the outline of the UFO is visible. This is 100% proof that aliens observe humans from hidden locations. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 

I saw a square, lighted portal in the sky. The square light in the clouded sky appeared to be translucent, appeared to be a gate or doorway. 


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