Comments on: Straight Talk: Climate change and Oregon’s historic wildfires Exploring The Unknown Wed, 30 Sep 2020 21:57:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kimberlee Pearson-Kinder Wed, 30 Sep 2020 21:57:47 +0000 The biggest deception? CLIMATE CHANGE. But then again, it's Oregon we just expect lies anyway. Poor forest management is the reason for fires and just plain lazy people in charge like your Governor.

By: Gaming Tonight Wed, 30 Sep 2020 13:11:32 +0000 Maggie Vespar is going to go national very soon. The climate is a slope, except where it's a cliff – i.e.tipping points!

By: chris cars Sun, 27 Sep 2020 20:36:36 +0000 Climate change is a myth. Antifa are setting the fires

By: TED C Sun, 27 Sep 2020 00:07:46 +0000 Dead pines.. Tinder dry. Antifa lighting them. Climate change my ass. Bark beetles have killed milions of acres.

By: kotov dot in Sat, 26 Sep 2020 15:51:41 +0000 I turned Wolf of Wall St to apples. Best ever FREE TOOLS & FOOD are on my website

By: Robert Callaghan Sat, 26 Sep 2020 12:56:05 +0000 Humans and livestock wiped out 86% of wild mammals in 50 years

By weight only 4% of mammals are wild
, total greenhouse gas emissions up 45% in 30 years
97% of great fresh water species gone since 1970 ( Guardian 2019 )

96% of mammals are livestock and human ( Ecowatch 2018 )

96% of tigers gone in 100 years ( IFL Science 2019 )

90% of elephants gone in 100 years ( Hurriet 2019 )

90% of lions gone in 100 years ( African Impact 2019 )

90% of Leatherback sea turtles gone since 1980 ( Earth Watch undated )

90% of Monarch Butterflies gone in 20 years ( Inhabitat 2014 )

80% of Antarctic Krill gone in 30 years ( Research Gate 2005 )

77% of Eastern lowland gorillas gone since 1996 ( Treehugger 2020 )

68% of world’s wildlife has been wiped out since 1970 ( Mongabay 2020 )

50% of Marine vertebrates gone since 1970 ( WWF 2015 )

50% of Great Barrier Reef gone since 1985 ( Live Science 2012 )

40% of Giraffes gone since 1990 ( NRDC 2019 )

40% less insects in next 30 years ( PNAS 2019 )

4% of mammals are wildlife ( Vegan News 2020 )

700 Marine Species Might Go Extinct Because of Plastic ( Green Planet 2019 )

500 vertebrate species of less than 1,000 individuals ( PNAS 2020 )

500 species of animal have gone extinct since 1900 ( RD 2019 )

Green Energy Sources & Numbers

2020 : 2% of global energy is solar and wind — after 20 yrs trying ( IEA stats 2020 )

2025 : 66% of the world will live in water stressed areas

2020 : 50% of world's thermal power capacity is threatened by water shortages

2040 : 15% of global energy will be renewable

2050 : 28% of global energy will be renewable, at best — assuming no snags or snafus

2050 : 600 ppm CO2 BAU = 2X safe limit of 300 ppm set by James Hansen

Receipts at Loki's Revenge Blog, now rated PG13

By: Travis Arvene Sat, 26 Sep 2020 10:42:35 +0000 Trump 2020

By: Betsy Ross Sat, 26 Sep 2020 05:22:30 +0000 They are pushing a Climate Crisis Lie, for World Power, by the Communist. The climate is fine. The fires were all set by the people currently attacking our Country. There is no Climate Crisis. It is a lie.

By: American Haulers Sat, 26 Sep 2020 04:54:13 +0000 Worthless lies…they claim climate change and have the balls to say old growth is more fire resistant. Funny how they didn’t mention how refusing to log the forests and poor forest management leads to even more dead underbrush which is what fuels these huge fires. Anything to promote their left wing agenda without actually bringing the facts and without asking the questions that would counter their agenda. Typical media and typical KGW.

By: silent majority Sat, 26 Sep 2020 04:30:30 +0000 Yet its back to rain.. You fog king wah wahs pushing the narrative to deflect away from BLMANTIFA that started over 50 fires
