Strange Weather

Strange Glow from sky! Something is Happening in Belgorod, Russia! (Oct.04, 2022)

They capture strange light in the sky over the city of Belgorod, Russia.

Some sort of weird orange glow in the skies above #Belgorod tonight…

Na região de Belgorod na Rússia, moradores relataram grandes feixes de luzes douradas sobre o céu da cidade.

Some weird glowing lights now over Belgorod, Russia

#Belgorod #lights #strange #sky #glowing #aurora #Russia #bizarre #paranormal #ufo #aliens #mysterious #mystery

Something very peculiar is taking place in the sky above Belgorod, Russia: First there was a single beam of golden light, shining down from the sky, then there were TWO!

The military nature of the lighting became evident when the same light pattern hit the skies in Moscow, Murmansk, and Omsk, Russia as the world was paying attention to the lights in Belgorad.

Any guesses what it is??
Anti-satellite laser weapon?
Laser weapon?

The Russians are perplexed An incomprehensible glow appeared in the sky over Russian Belgorod!

Тим часом у белгороде на раше


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IRONHORSE October 6, 2022 at 8:50 am

It looks like more bullshit to me

borga borga October 6, 2022 at 9:24 am


borga borga October 6, 2022 at 9:25 am

Its the new laser weapon of russia, which can blind or shut down Satelites and destroy drones with ease

LaTortiia October 6, 2022 at 10:16 am

Russia has successfully killed the wither and is now building beacons to boost troop performance in Ukraine

aerografia aerografia October 6, 2022 at 11:47 am

Peresvet my dick. Propaganda fake as usual

Pavol CO²⁰ October 6, 2022 at 12:34 pm

Astrolux wp3 beamshot 😄😄😄

Kaasmandel97 October 6, 2022 at 6:22 pm

Mein gott in himmel

Daniel Martin October 6, 2022 at 6:23 pm

It’s a Russian anti satellite system that blinds reconnaissance satellites in orbits up to 1500 km it’s called Presvet 📡 ⚡️ 🛰️

유나 October 6, 2022 at 10:14 pm

하늘의 작업은 양심을 깨우는 작업을 했어요.
하늘도 업그레이되고 인간도 업그레이된거죠.
양심만이 하늘과소통할수 있어요.
태어나죽을때까지 인간은 칠성줄이 연결되어 있어 영양분을 공급받아요.

Tom Ray October 6, 2022 at 11:40 pm

Its a well documented weather phenomena in cold countries–ICE Xtals in the atmosphere tend to make these columns over light sources.

Randy Ocean October 7, 2022 at 4:52 am

Putins nuclear drone access points for targets

playstaion October 7, 2022 at 1:38 pm

Antichrist sign I guess

Parabolic October 7, 2022 at 1:44 pm


Μηδέν Άγαν October 7, 2022 at 3:21 pm

It’s funny how everyone in the world know about Russian weapons from media and the know more than Russian people . 🤣🤣

মহাত্মাগান্ধী ৭৮৮৯ October 7, 2022 at 3:43 pm

Aliens don't like war

NisenziART October 8, 2022 at 2:33 am

Light pillars "pretty common" , yeah sure 27 years old and literaly not once seen a straight up light like that, not that common i guess

Jack Hearts October 8, 2022 at 3:19 am

Looks like the human instrumentality project is going well!

Jeff Anderson October 8, 2022 at 8:42 am

the multiple light shots show that the source can not be far. When you see the lights walk until you are under them and then look at what on the ground is creating it. Or ask the people standing around it to explain it.

scarvasa October 8, 2022 at 9:02 am

the unhappy russians try to blind the satellites. uselessly.

Перун October 8, 2022 at 9:44 am

It all started with a letter from Margarita Nosova from Gomel, published in the 11th September 1943. She said:

"Two years ago 1941, in the fall … I left home, going to work. I work at school, in the evenings. It was dark as night. A black sky spread over the city with rare dim stars. And suddenly in the southeastern part of the sky I saw such a picture that she mentally gasped … In the sky, dark and cloudless, two huge light pillars were clearly visible. Their bases were not visible: the roofs of houses and suburban trees interfered. The one to the right was more powerful. The tops of the pillars scattered in the sky The light was constant, did not flicker, did not pulsate. The pillars hung motionless in the air, not moving anywhere… Somewhere approximately in the middle of the right pillar, something spherical was noticeable… It did not seem material… Above and below this object, the glow was weaker at some distance , but then again there was an intense glow.The column of light was equal in width to the diameter of the strange spherical object…
Turning to the trolleybus stop, I saw another of the same light column, already in the northwestern part of the sky. It was alone, no object was visible throughout its entire length … All the people who were waiting for transport looked, as if spellbound, only at the poles … It was something grandiose … In 53 years of my life, I first met such a spectacle.

Svetlana Ivanovna N., a pensioner from Gomel, reported:

"I also saw this picture … In the evening 1941, at 7 o'clock, it began. A solemn spectacle … In your drawing it is not quite right: the left column is closer, and the ball is absolutely round, not flattened from the poles. As soon as you look – you see only the column, look closely – you see in the center some kind of core, a clot of light. And look even closer – some spots, stripes are noticeable on the ball. But not symmetrical … The columns themselves were beyond Gomel … Gradually everyone began to disperse. We left too …

Zhukovskaya E.E. from Mogilev said that she saw "…somewhere at the end of September" 1941 at about six o'clock in the evening "…two luminous pillars in the northeast, then two more, then, when they turned around, they saw them in the east and south-east. There were about 11 of them in total and they were located almost evenly over the entire celestial sphere. They were absent only in the south and west … The luminous pillars were about the same thickness, very high and emanated, as it were, from the horizon of the earth up into the sky. It was an extraordinary occurrence…" " .

1941 operation barbarossa is in full swing.Strongest Winter in 100 years .I don't believe in Coincidence ?

Pajo PAJIC October 8, 2022 at 6:34 pm

Satanas tehnology.

The professor October 8, 2022 at 8:09 pm

Thats is bosmanliag 😱😱😱 the profici is happening

Bratislav Matic October 8, 2022 at 8:43 pm

This is coincidental with Musk peaceful proposal in Ukraine as suddenly Starlink satellites are collapsing?

Booyah53 October 9, 2022 at 4:57 pm

U.S military spy satellites are trying to take a look but all the monitors at the Pentagon are yellow.

GalleryNorth October 9, 2022 at 6:45 pm

Is it Russia taking out Starlink?

Sasa Mihajlovic October 9, 2022 at 8:59 pm

😅its a antysatellite laser

John Reynolds October 10, 2022 at 4:19 am

Sooooo, am I the only person who has read that the StarLink satellite communications that Elon Musk supplied to the Ukrainians are suddenly failing on the battlefield?

Huge pillars of light reaching up into the sky.
Satellite communications failing.

Nah, I'm sure it is just a coincidence.

Raphael October 10, 2022 at 11:46 am

That's laser anti satellite

Teron Felix October 10, 2022 at 2:30 pm


Nekit 23 October 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

точно такойже лучь видел года полтора назад неподалёку от дома в Риге и видел как он не сразу погас а сужался.

Livy October 10, 2022 at 6:26 pm

God come soon❤❤❤❤

Invictus October 10, 2022 at 7:45 pm

Russian electronic warfare systems taking own Musks Starlink which Ukraine uses this for military comms

Bor odel October 11, 2022 at 5:44 am

Perhaps M.Salla knows, from exopolotics? Greetings from the Netherland!

Alik Griffin October 11, 2022 at 11:12 am

This explains why Elon is pretending to be Anti-War all of a sudden.

Al4koss_1976 October 11, 2022 at 11:47 am

Its laser weapon of Russia hitting the elon musk star links

Imperator Vespasian October 12, 2022 at 2:55 am

I hope this wasn't the Rapture…. because I think I am still here… oh dear?

Lara Branco October 14, 2022 at 4:41 am

Considering the bombing ocurred yesterday in this same Russia-Ukraine border town, Belgorod we can only assume those lights were military / tatic moves.
UFO nuts all worried about alien invasion 😁😂🤣

Hakan Sahin October 14, 2022 at 2:32 pm

This is government games on humans, we will see more things like this at the end of October 2022! Don't be fooled!

kristo monte October 16, 2022 at 3:03 am

This is the Russian Kalina satellite killer. It blocks spy satellites. So enemies lose communication. Ie Ukraine and starlink dropping out. Russia has capabilities just like us in America. This isn't going to end well for the world. Especially our brothers in Europe.

Demi K October 16, 2022 at 9:51 pm

its anti satellite lights, actually is a russian weapon, they are using them when they move important military equipments like nuclear trucks, so enemy cannot spy from satellite, its blinding the radars

BeeAyJee October 17, 2022 at 6:10 am

This is "Peresvet" – AA for stratige targets – at those photose Russian defence system just destroy Elon Musks satellites which are critycal for success in special operation

VARYAGIN October 17, 2022 at 7:30 pm

The Laser System PERESVET … Russians put out of Use the Ilon Musc Satelites "Starlink"..they Just Died … And Ukronazzi went F*cked up in Comunication

吉村春代 October 19, 2022 at 11:13 am

Neon Genesis Evangelion live action looks sick

Oasis Fantasy October 21, 2022 at 12:15 am

Votka Party 🤣🤣🍌

Jandeganjaman October 21, 2022 at 11:13 am

Vladimir Putin used a "fire sale"

David Johnson October 24, 2022 at 12:46 am

No ! Its me. Im on my way coming to judgement

Randy Ocean October 27, 2022 at 4:57 am

Putins Showing off

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