Structures found on Dwarf Planet Ceres, Dec 20, 2021, UFO Sighting News.



Date of discovery: Dec 20, 2021

Location of discovery: Planet Ceres

I found an old NASA archive that I have never seen before. It holds a lot of deleted photos of planets, moons and ect. I added yellow color to make it easier for some to see them.  I started exploring only a few minutes when I found several large alien structures on planet Ceres. The structures are about 5km across according to the ruler in the bottom left corner of the map. Yes, it’s a map, not a small photo. I don’t want to say where the link is until I am certain I have explored it well enough. NASA loves to delete and even move URLs as soon as they see them go viral, so I will keep its location secret for now. The evidence is clear…these are 100% proof of intelligent life on planet Ceres. But…the real question is…are these structures still inhabited or are they empty waiting to be used?

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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