Sun Sparks Ultra Rare X3-Class Solar Flare, With Earth Size Waves! July 9, 2022, UFO Sighting



Date of event: July 9, 2022

Location of event: Earths sun

Source: Helioviwer.org AIA 131 11:07:19

The sun unleashed a massive solar flare on Saturday (July 9), one powerful enough to earn X-class status, the highest ranking for solar flares. With energy waves higher than the earth itself.

Solar flares, huge explosions in the sun’s atmosphere, are classified on a logarithmic scale, where each letter represents a 10-fold increase in energy output compared to the one before it. The smallest solar flares are A-class, followed by B, C, M and then, at the top of the scale, X. 

I estimate this one to be a X3-class maybe even a X4 flare. Such a massive amount of energy must have a purpose and has to be harnessed maybe even controlled and activated by aliens for communication, teleportation and other uses. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan



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