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Super Typhoon HAGIBIS / Weird Weather Wednesday / Where Weather Lover's UNITE

October 9 2019 #hagibis live imagery.
Super Typhoon Hagibis Category 5 Taking Aim at Tokyo, Japan as a Category 3 Typhoon.
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Morning D.E.W. October 9, 2019 at 4:23 pm

Tune in Tonight for Weird Weather Wednesday… 8pm Central

Terry Moore October 9, 2019 at 6:26 pm

Everyone has been fooled and both the American and British media have openly been told not to interview anyone who disputes that it is humans that have caused the climate to change. If the oil and gas had not been used, where would all the plastics have come from (which sadly, humans dump in land fill sites, rivers and the sea!)? Where have many of the oil based chemicals, tar, medicines, food additives etc. etc. come from? (See a partial list of 6,000 products made from oil at ; How would we have produced the energy we have used? How would we have transported food and goods around the planet…by horse and cart and rowing boats? How would we have heated and cooled our homes? Well, we could have cut down ALL of the trees I suppose…It is bad enough that we have cut down most of the trees in most countries and in particular around the tropics where the tree cover historically controlled the world climate! Those living in or near or visiting rainforest will be aware how tropical rains are absorbed by the trees very quickly after a storm, since each tree can absorb its own weight in water. Evaporation in the rainforest helps to keep the temperature down, particularly in the tropics, whereas cleared land retains the radiant heat of the sun. Then look at the main real current proximate cause of climate change… THE POLE SHIFT! 

The concept of 'global warming' and 'global temperature increases', of a variety of alleged current and future ranges, is not of any scientific value. Global temperatures vary from year to year and from geographical location to location. Many of the temperature and climate recording stations were installed many years ago in relatively rural locations where over time, housing, industrial and road developments have increased localized temperatures and altered localized climate. The increased extreme weather now becoming common worldwide has also produced record high and low temperatures worldwide, year on year. Last year (2018) a record low temperature of -83 C was recorded in Siberia and a record high temperature of 51.3 C was recorded in Algeria. With huge variations worldwide over short and long periods of time, proposing an average global temperature is completely illogical, unscientific and fictional. Temperature recording stations are not spread at equidistant locations in similar environments over every square mile of the Earth's surface which would be an absolute requirement if the data had any value at all. In addition, the use of historic data from air bubbles in ice containing CO2, has now been under scrutiny following the realisation that gases locked up in ice are absorbed at different rates in the ice and the remaining air and its constituents does not necessarily represent the air trapped at historic moments in time.

Temperatures on the planet swung from -83oC to + 56oC last year. Seasonal and day/night time temperatures can swing 60oC on many land surfaces, so talking about an average temperature increase of 2o C as being catastrophic would make very little difference to many areas of the Earth. Far more serious is the surge in extreme climate change with the escalation of droughts, floods, unseasonal climatic changes and the huge increase in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. These increasing extreme climate variations are also dramatically affecting the current world food output. See and ; and many others. The current escalation of these changes cannot under any circumstances be caused by the tiny increase in CO2. 

Whilst cyclical historic climatic patterns are a guide to future climate, so many factors and accurate data are missing from historic data and projected computer models. Our planet and its climate change is affected by its variable orbit around the sun, solar activity cycles, variations in earthquake and volcanic activity, pole shift, solar and cosmic radiation, impact from passing planetary debris, to name but a few of the causes. Seasonal cyclical climatic variations throughout the calendar year depend on location, the Sun's position during the day and night and the elliptical orbit and distance between the Earth and the Sun. The increase in the release of CO2 by man, has a minute affect on weather. The release of methane from livestock whose population numbers are similar to the human population are far more damaging than the CO2 man produces. In addition, we are led to believe the alleged heat trapped by the 1 in 2,500 molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere makes a bee line for the CO2 molecules and does not go anywhere near the 2,499 molecules of other atmospheric gases! Radiant heat from the Earth's surface does bounce around CO2 molecules, but ultimately it escapes. Comparing CO2 to the affect glass in a greenhouse has on retaining heat is ridiculous and unscientific! There is no glass window in the atmosphere or glass dome around the planet! What makes the concept that CO2 is a 'greenhouse gas' even more ridiculous is that CO2 is a main input for photosynthesis and not only are concentration levels of CO2 in greenhouses much lower, many owners of greenhouses have to inject more CO2 to increase plant growth! The reason greenhouses are warmer than the surrounding environment is because the glass prevents the escape of the trapped heat which is also a requirement for rapid plant growth. People in glass houses should not blame the CO2! The Clouds have an infinitely greater ability to trap heat since cloud as we are all very aware, clouds help prevent frosts and prevents the sun from warming the Earth's surface! As many who fly will testify, the tops of clouds are white and not only prevent heat from the sun reaching the Earth's surface, but reflect heat back away from the Earth's surface.

Of greater affect on the world climate is the destruction of forest, particularly around the tropics where lack of trees to absorb the sun's radiation causes tropical (not global) warming and the absorption of much more moisture from the tropical seas as a result of higher air and sea temperature. Global solar minimum records may have been a guide to  future climate from past records, however, the affects of the pole shift are altering global conditions and projections from historic records and cycles. At the last GSM, we were not experiencing the extreme temperatures and extreme weather events now being recorded! Also, we did not experience such a huge increase in earthquake and volcanic activity. (Sometimes as many as 4000 earthquakes over 2.5 on the Richter scale each month instead of 200, 16 years ago and over 70 erupting volcanoes each month as opposed to 3, 16 years ago.) Huge cracks and sink holes have also increased year by year in the last 16 years as a result of the stress on the crust from the current crustal slip.

So one cause for the escalation of extreme weather events is simple…less trees in the tropics each year….less to absorb the suns radiation = tropical warming (NOT GLOBAL WARMING!). Higher temperature around the tropics = more moisture evaporated from the oceans producing much warmer, denser and increased cloud production (hence more flooding in tropics where tree cover is reduced)…..then more and denser ‘tropical rainforest clouds’ carrying more moisture, escape the tropics as intense heat on cleared land creates lift to allow these clouds to escape the tropics on trade winds…hence regional cooling effect away from the tropics as cloud cover increases and increased rain and snow fall away from the tropics, whilst extra cloud cover also traps the extra heat travelling up from the tropics. Less trees in the tropics each year = less biomass to sequester the CO2.  As the ocean warms, the warmer seas travel north to the Arctic and south to the Antarctic. As warmer air from the tropics travels north and south, air is warmer in the Arctic and in the Antarctic….simples!’ The warmer air and seas distorts the position of the jet stream pushing it north towards west Canada and north towards the UK but there is a counteractive force pushing the jet stream south at some geographical locations as a result of the increase in cloud cover escaping the Tropics, which cools some areas of the ocean through reduced radiation from the sun.

The least of us October 9, 2019 at 6:31 pm

Really does sound like your experiencing the aura phase of a migraine . There are loads of different triggers , you should probably see the doctor.

mkmason2002 October 9, 2019 at 7:21 pm

I'm an RN, it sounds like a migraine aura, but 5 hrs is pretty long. Did you have a blind spot and headache at that time? Did the lines look similar to squiggly lightning bolts?

Glicia Linden October 9, 2019 at 9:21 pm

God bless you and your family. Gratitude 🙏

Sharon Young October 9, 2019 at 10:21 pm

From down under as for the prediction of rain in our dreams, bush fires is all that have, very sad, properties lost and a few, Australia the driest it's every been love and god bless to humanity

Lynne Naubert October 9, 2019 at 10:50 pm

I learned about EMF sounds like it might be…Protect yourself please

Tom Mamerow October 10, 2019 at 1:21 am

I've been having "those eye problems on and off for over 20 years..
Have to go and lay down in a dark room unroll it passes ..Sometimes quite short other time longer but never 5 hours ..😱
I "feel" it maybe a trapped nerve in my neck ??

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