biggest – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Fri, 28 Jun 2019 16:54:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 20 EPIC TORNADOES CAUGHT ON CAMERA Fri, 28 Jun 2019 16:54:38 +0000



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THE MOST EXTREME Storm Footage – Tornado, Hurricane, Hailstorm [VIDEOS] Tue, 07 Nov 2017 17:36:37 +0000

Extreme tornadoes caught on tape, hurricane videos, hailstorm videos, sandstorm videos form inside the powerful storms in this extreme weather caught on tape compilation.

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20 Bizarre Recent Weather Phenomena Sun, 27 Nov 2016 00:00:01 +0000

From the strange happening of toads falling from the sky to the unbelievable & beautiful circle rainbow you need to see to believe!

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11. Acid Rain
Acid rain arrived in Iran along with November in 2013 and caused an unprecedented increase in respiratory problems throughout the country. Iran has the dubious distinction of having four of the top ten most polluted cities in the world, including Ahvaz, the world’s most polluted….

10. Clouds from Space
Particularly strange and otherworldly clouds covered Panama City Beach, Florida on the same day as the rare snowstorm that hit Libya. The two weather phenomena happening on the same day had weather experts more excited than Billy Mays doing an infomercial.

9. Neon Beach
Juhu Beach in Mumbai was lit fluorescent blue for the second time this year. The brilliant light show happens thanks to tiny plankton called dinoflagellates becoming disturbed, which activates their bioluminescence, or their ability to produce light. The site is so visually spectacular that people usually assume that pictures of the phenomenon are fake.

8. Whirlpool in Latvia
An enormous whirlpool appeared in a river in Latvia that swallowed everything near it. Onlookers got a video of the incident, which happened in April of 2013. People speculate that it could actually be a sinkhole beneath the river.

7. Rare Clouds Over Norway
Witnesses observed polar stratospheric clouds over Norway in May of this year. Sunlight shining through ice particles in the clouds create the amazing colors seen in the formations. The rare sights shape a minimum of seventy thousand feet high, double the height a commercial airline flies. While beautiful, the clouds are very destructive to the ozone layer.

6. Giant Hailstone
Usually when someone says that they experience hail the size of a golf ball they are exaggerating. This saying would have been an understatement in Vivian, South Dakota on July 23, 2010. Les Scott collected a huge hailstone from his backyard and immediately threw it in his freezer. A good idea since the hailstone ended up being 8 inches in diameter and nearly 2 pounds, setting the U.S. record for the biggest hailstone ever recorded.

5. Siberian Snowball Madness
A bunch of snowy ice balls washed on the shores of western Siberia in November to the delight of one nearby bear. The rare process involves small pieces of ice being rolled by wind and water to form a giant sphere. While rare the spectacular natural event is not one of a kind. People took pictures and videos of a similar mass of balls on the shores of Lake Michigan in 2010 and again in 2014.

4. Ominous Lakes
Scientists recently concluded a satellite-based study in which they observed a worrisome phenomenon in eastern Antarctica for the first time. Researchers saw almost 8,000 supraglacial or meltwater lakes form between the years 2000 and 2013. Experts have observed other meltwater lakes in different parts of the continent and the world, but the fact that they are showing up in a region that was thought to have relatively stable and frigid weather is what is so troubling about the discovery. The lakes have been shown to drastically increase ice melting in Greenland, which in turn increases the global sea level.

3. Crazy Cloud Over Costa Rica
People were bewildered and amazed to see an intense but beautiful formation in the sky that experts believe was a weather phenomenon called cloud iridescence. Thousands of pictures and videos were shared on social media in early September last year when these clouds showed up in the skies of Escazu, Costa Rica. Witnesses described the clouds as looking like a precursor to the end of the world and a sign of God.

2. Circular Rainbow
A rainbow is a relatively common sight that almost everyone has seen in the sky at one time or another. Much rarer is spotting a circular rainbow, and that is because the conditions have to be perfect. They can only be seen from the air when the sun is shining behind the observer through raindrops. Seeing one is incredibly rare and getting a picture of one is even rarer. A photographer was flying over Cottesloe Beach in Australia during a rain shower in 2014 when he saw this incredible circular rainbow.

1. Greek “Lost City”
When divers came across round columns and concrete looking floors on the ocean seabed off the Greek island Zakynthos they naturally assumed that they had stumbled upon a long-lost civilization. Similar discoveries had been made in the area, after all. Experts recently found that the so-called lost civilization was a naturally occurring geological phenomenon that happened over 5 million years ago. Geologists have seen similar structures before but never in waters so shallow.


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The Year the Earth Went Wild – Natural Disasters Wed, 18 Feb 2015 10:39:30 +0000

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From afar the Earth seems calm, a blue sphere turning peacefully in space, but travel closer and you find a turbulent and terrifying place. An atmosphere where hurricanes and tornados are spawned, and below that a realm of volcanos and earthquakes.

Starting just before New Year’s Day, on Boxing Day 2004, the year 2005 was the most disastrous on record, with hundreds of billions of pounds of losses and more than half a million deaths. This programme covers the litany of planetary catastrophes, from the extraordinary Boxing Day killer tsunami in the Indian Ocean, through the great Kashmir earthquake to Hurricane Katrina and the devastation it wrought on New Orleans, along with UK events, such as the Birmingham tornado, which reached the highest tornado category, yet miraculously killed no-one.

2005 saw an onslaught of epic-scale climate and geological events across the world, all caught on camera in the most spectacular fashion by professionals and amateurs alike. Using eye-witness footage, interviews with survivors and rescuers and analysis from geological and weather specialists, this documentary charts the incredible natural events of a year where almost every month was affected by a natural disaster.

At that time it was the hottest year on record, and the stormiest, people on every continent were affected in some way by the year’s disasters. World leading scientists and climatologists speculate whether the events have been triggered by a real shift in the earth’s climatic systems.

Some of the natural disasters covered in this documentary :

Indian Ocean Earthquake and Asian Tsunami

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake was an undersea megathrust earthquake that occurred on 26th December with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 metres high.

Maharashtra Floods

The 2005 Maharashtra floods refers to the flooding of many parts of the Indian state of Maharashtra including large areas of the metropolis Mumbai a city located on the coast of the Arabian Sea, on the western coast of India, in which at least 5,000 people died.

Birmingham Tornado

The Birmingham tornado was one of the strongest tornadoes recorded in the United Kingdom in nearly 30 years, occurring on 28th July 2005 in the suburbs of Birmingham. The tornado uprooted an estimated 1,000 trees, removed the roofs of buildings, picked up and deposited cars and caused other damage during its short existence.

European Floods

The 2005 European floods hit mainly Romania, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, as well as several other countries in Central Europe and Eastern Europe during August. The disaster came at a time when Portugal was suffering from intense forest fires which left 15 dead.

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive Atlantic tropical cyclone of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season. It is the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and subsequent floods. The most significant number of deaths occurred in New Orleans, Louisiana, which flooded as the levee system catastrophically failed.

Kashmir Earthquake

The Kashmir earthquake occurred on 8th October 2005 and was centred in the Pakistan administered Kashmir near the city of Muzaffarabad, and also affected the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It registered a moment magnitude of 7.6. The government of Pakistan’s official death toll was 75,000. The severity of the damage caused by the earthquake is attributed to severe upthrust, coupled with poor construction.


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