Tag: china

Strange Weather

China Finds Something Weird on Dark Side of the Moon

China’s lunar rover, the Yutu-2, found it’s way over to the dark side of the moon and discovered something that had the Chinese scientists shocked!...
Strange Weather

Unusual weather phenomena plague China; FBI: 2,000+ investigations tied to Chinese regime

⭕️ Support the China news you can’t find anywhere else. Say NO! to censorship. Join our new independent platform: EPOCHTV👉http://epochtv.com/chinainfocus More strange natural phenomena appearing...
Strange Weather

Climate Change, Chaos, and The Little Ice Age – Crash Course World History 206

In which John Green teaches you about the Little Ice Age. The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling that occurred from the...
Strange Weather

Signs Of Change The Past Week Or So End Of March 2013

I’m only taking this video up to the end of March 2013 and I will start April’s findings next week. Also sorry about being a...
Strange Weather


Note this video does not imply the world is going to end in 2012 Extreme storms, flooding, lightning strikes and meteors coinciding currently across the...