#climatechange – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Mon, 31 Jul 2023 18:06:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 Climate Crisis Unveiled: The Urgent Reality of Global Warming https://paranormalactivity.org/climate-crisis-unveiled-the-urgent-reality-of-global-warming/ https://paranormalactivity.org/climate-crisis-unveiled-the-urgent-reality-of-global-warming/#comments Mon, 31 Jul 2023 18:06:26 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/climate-crisis-unveiled-the-urgent-reality-of-global-warming/

Welcome to our channel where we shed light on pressing environmental issues! In this thought-provoking video titled “Climate Crisis Unveiled: The Urgent Reality of Global Warming,” we delve deep into the alarming phenomenon that is gripping our planet – global warming. With meticulous research and compelling visuals, we aim to educate and raise awareness about the dire consequences of global warming. Witness the undeniable evidence gathered from across the globe, showcasing the rapidly melting ice caps, extreme weather events, and the impact on ecosystems and wildlife Our expert interviews with renowned climatologists and environmentalists provide valuable insights into the factors driving global warming. Discover the complex interplay of human activities, greenhouse gas emissions, and industry practices that have led us to this critical tipping point. But it doesn’t end there! We also unravel the potential solutions and mitigation strategies that can help combat this climate crisis. Learn about renewable energy sources, sustainable practices, and collective actions that we can all contribute to, to protect our planet. Join us in spreading the word about this urgent issue by sharing this video with your friends, family, and social media networks. By raising awareness, we empower ourselves to take meaningful actions and influence policy changes necessary to halt the disastrous effects of global warming. Subscribe to our channel for more eye-opening content on environmental issues that demand our attention. Stay informed, get inspired, and let’s work together to create a sustainable future for generations to come.


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536 AD: The Most Mysterious Year in History To Be Alive. https://paranormalactivity.org/536-ad-the-most-mysterious-year-in-history-to-be-alive/ https://paranormalactivity.org/536-ad-the-most-mysterious-year-in-history-to-be-alive/#comments Thu, 28 Jul 2022 13:00:38 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/536-ad-the-most-mysterious-year-in-history-to-be-alive/

It was the mysterious dark dark fog which hung like a brooding black cape that made the sun disappear during the year 536 AD. It really was the most mysterious and worst year to be alive. When days turned to weeks, one feared for their crops, which were a main source of daily nourishment in 536 AD. It became a year without summer, causing famine, plagues and climate chaos. Rarely had nature shown through a mysterious climate catastrophe that the end of civilization could happen at any time. 536 AD was the worst year in history, worst year ever and worst year for humanity.

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#536,#536 AD, #Medieval

0:00 536 AD Was The Worst Year In History
8:05 Modern Influences

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Enjoy the journey,



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Extreme weather conditions worldwide due to climate change https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-conditions-worldwide-due-to-climate-change/ https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-conditions-worldwide-due-to-climate-change/#comments Wed, 06 Jul 2022 02:23:16 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-conditions-worldwide-due-to-climate-change/

전세계 기상이변에 피해속출

Extreme weather conditions have been slamming all parts of the world recently.
A deadly glacial avalanche in Italy, catastrophic flooding in India, Bangladesh and Australia and record-breaking heatwaves in Europe have all proven to be deadly and increasingly costly.
Our Lee Ji-yoon has more.
Floods, drought and a glacier collapse.
These are some of the extreme weather conditions we’ve been seeing lately around the world.
Catastrophic floods displaced millions in India and neighboring Bangladesh in recent weeks… as seasonal monsoon rains came heavier and earlier than usual.
“All the houses here have been damaged by floods. Our wheat, rice, hens, cows everything has drowned. The farmlands have drowned too. The floods took away the fish from the fisheries,”

Torrential rains also battered Australia’s east coast and Sydney on Tuesday, with tens of thousands of residents forced to leave their homes after rivers rose past danger levels.
Over in Italy, a heatwave triggered the collapse of a mountain glacier in the Alps on Sunday, killing seven people.
France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain all saw their monthly temperature records broken last month as temperatures hit above 40 degrees Celcius… drying out soil and vegetation.
South Korea’s weather officials have also issued heat wave warnings across most of the country.
So what’s behind all this extreme weather?
“Global warming can intensify the El Nino and La Nina cycle and increasing the occurrences of extreme La Nina and El Nino events. So El Nino is the opposite of La Nina, it brings drought. So in a global warming scenario we need to be prepared for the possibility of a swing between drought and wet, or flood, in the following year.”

El Ni o brings about unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific… as opposed to La Ni a, which is a weather phenomenon that typically brings above average rainfall on the east coast.
And with the return of La Nina and El Nino… weather experts warn that this sounds a loud warning… that climate change is upon us.
Lee Ji-yoon Arirang News.

#Extreme_weather #climate_change #Temperature

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2022-07-06, 10:00 (KST)


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Our extreme weather and climate future. https://paranormalactivity.org/our-extreme-weather-and-climate-future/ https://paranormalactivity.org/our-extreme-weather-and-climate-future/#comments Mon, 17 Feb 2014 05:23:56 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/our-extreme-weather-and-climate-future/

Extreme weather is intensifying under rapid climate change. When will it stabilize, and where will we be?


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