documentary 2022 – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:00:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Climate change – Averting catastrophe | DW Documentary Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:00:37 +0000

In the last 30 years, CO2 emissions have increased by 60 percent worldwide. The most pressing problem facing our civilization is global warming. What solutions could there be? This documentary accompanies activists in their efforts to combat climate change.

According to scientists, if by the year 2100 the global temperature has risen more than 1.5 degrees Celsius on levels recorded in the year 1850, the consequences could be devastating for people and the environment. But will we manage to achieve this ambitious goal? Around the world, politicians, companies, laboratories and universities are struggling to find solutions.

The film team visits climate rescuers in Sudan, Indonesia and Europe. Their inventive spirit cools buildings, connects countries with green electricity lines or sucks carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Their work helps determine the living conditions of generations to come.

Every time the women of Shagra plant an acacia seedling in the sand of Darfur, it is an occasion of great joy in the Sudanese village. The tree will drive its roots 100 meters into the ground and be better able to withstand the droughts in the Sahel than most other plants. It will secrete gum sap when women scratch the bark after a few years. The sale of gum arabic will alleviate poverty in the village.

65,000 acacias are already growing in Darfur: a blessing for the bitterly poor region, as well as a carbon dioxide reservoir that can help limit global warming.

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The fight for water | DW Documentary Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:00:00 +0000

Climate change is causing temperatures to rise. Extreme weather events and droughts are increasing. Springs and wells are drying up. And everyone needs more water. The battles for control over precious water reserves have begun.

In some countries, water has always been available in abundance – and is wasted carelessly every day. But the climate crisis is changing that. Because the climate is warming, everyone needs more water than ever: for drinking, agriculture and industry. Water is the new gold.

In many countries, the distribution battles for precious water reserves have already begun. In Mendocino, California, there is no longer enough water to flush the toilets. And in Germany, regional drinking water supplies collapse in hot weather. Groundwater levels have dropped to record lows in many places. Will we still have enough drinking water in the future? What happens when our water disappears?

This is a three-part documentary series:
Part 1: The fight for water –
Part 2: What happens when our water dries up? –
Part 3: Who owns water? –
Series playlist:

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