Tag: documentary

Strange Weather

15 Strange Natural Phenomena That Happened On Earth

The world can be a crazy place. Just when you think you are educated enough to understand how this crazy cosmic rock works – BAM!...
Strange Weather

Strange Anomaly Happening In Antarctica!

Strange Anomaly Happening In Antarctica! ► Subscribe: https://goo.gl/r5jd1F Since humanity first carried out explorations of Antarctica in the late 18th century by James Cook and...
Strange Weather

Unusual weather phenomena plague China; FBI: 2,000+ investigations tied to Chinese regime

⭕️ Support the China news you can’t find anywhere else. Say NO! to censorship. Join our new independent platform: EPOCHTV👉http://epochtv.com/chinainfocus More strange natural phenomena appearing...
Strange Weather

15 Most Dangerous Natural Phenomena In The World

As our world wildly veers from one disaster to another, it’s always a good idea to stop and smell the rapidly decaying roses once in...
Strange Weather

Tornadoes 101 | National Geographic

National Geographic
Tornadoes are some of the most destructive forces of nature. Learn how tornadoes form, how they are rated, and the country where the most intense...
Strange Weather

Thunderstorms 101 | National Geographic

National Geographic
At any moment, about 2,000 thunderstorms are occurring worldwide. Learn how thunderstorms form, what causes lightning and thunder, and how these violent phenomena help balance...
Strange Weather

British Winter: Storm Heroes (Extreme Weather Documentary) | Real Stories

Real Stories
When a winter storm hits, most people hunker down until it’s over. But all over the UK, there are men and women whose jobs force...
Strange Weather

BBC Documentary 2016 | Earth’s Strangest Weather Phenomena (Strange Phenomenon)

Lyric Mike
BBC Documentary 2016 | Earth’s Strangest Weather Phenomena (Strange Phenomenon) A phenomenon (Greek:φαινόμενον, phainómenon, from the verb phainein, to show, shine, appear, to be manifest...
Strange Weather

How Animals Detect Disaster Before Humans | Sense Of Danger | Spark

Sense of Danger explores the previously unexplained phenomenon of how animals around the world use their innate senses to predict approaching disasters. This film produces...