Full Documentary – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:00:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 Climate change – Averting catastrophe | DW Documentary https://paranormalactivity.org/climate-change-averting-catastrophe-dw-documentary/ https://paranormalactivity.org/climate-change-averting-catastrophe-dw-documentary/#comments Thu, 13 Jul 2023 16:00:37 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/climate-change-averting-catastrophe-dw-documentary/

In the last 30 years, CO2 emissions have increased by 60 percent worldwide. The most pressing problem facing our civilization is global warming. What solutions could there be? This documentary accompanies activists in their efforts to combat climate change.

According to scientists, if by the year 2100 the global temperature has risen more than 1.5 degrees Celsius on levels recorded in the year 1850, the consequences could be devastating for people and the environment. But will we manage to achieve this ambitious goal? Around the world, politicians, companies, laboratories and universities are struggling to find solutions.

The film team visits climate rescuers in Sudan, Indonesia and Europe. Their inventive spirit cools buildings, connects countries with green electricity lines or sucks carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Their work helps determine the living conditions of generations to come.

Every time the women of Shagra plant an acacia seedling in the sand of Darfur, it is an occasion of great joy in the Sudanese village. The tree will drive its roots 100 meters into the ground and be better able to withstand the droughts in the Sahel than most other plants. It will secrete gum sap when women scratch the bark after a few years. The sale of gum arabic will alleviate poverty in the village.

65,000 acacias are already growing in Darfur: a blessing for the bitterly poor region, as well as a carbon dioxide reservoir that can help limit global warming.

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World War Weird | Episode 5: Flying Saucers & Ghost Armies | Free Documentary History https://paranormalactivity.org/world-war-weird-episode-5-flying-saucers-ghost-armies-free-documentary-history/ https://paranormalactivity.org/world-war-weird-episode-5-flying-saucers-ghost-armies-free-documentary-history/#comments Tue, 28 Mar 2023 22:00:48 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/world-war-weird-episode-5-flying-saucers-ghost-armies-free-documentary-history/

World War Weird – Episode 5: Flying Saucers & Ghost Armies | History Documnetary

Watch ‘World War Weird – Episode 6’ here: https://youtu.be/jsDLAT4p2Jg

World War Weird explains the most mysterious and bizarre events of both the World Wars. In the chaos of battle men claim to have witnessed some of history’s strangest sightings and in the minds of their leaders; ludicrous military plans have been hatched. From unexplained sea monsters spotted by U-boat captains to some of the weirdest weaponry of the Wars, each episode will examine the stories in fascinating detail. Despite decades of research by historians and experts, many accounts still remain a complete mystery. Using de-classified documents and military historians, World War Weird attempts to explain the unexplainable and explore the fascinating history associated with some of the darkest periods in human history.

Stalin’s Flying Saucer:
At the end of the war British and American troops sweep through Germany looking for the crème de la crème of Nazi Scientists, desperately wanting to enlist them before the Russians. Top secret Nazi blue prints of a super plane are found by the Allies but they suspect the Russians have got there first. A new investigation alleges the most infamous UFO sighting ever at Roswell could be explained by the stolen Nazi wonder weapons Stalin’s scientists got to first…

Ghost Army:
The Allies have a problem when it comes to invading France, that the Germans are defending all the main ports. For a successful D-day attack they need a plan. Operation Fortitude is the most audacious, crazy plan ever conceived in war time but if it works, the German war machine could be finished. Fake harbours, wooden tanks, even fake armies are all brought to play in duping the Germans.

What Happened To Glenn Miller?:
Glenn Miller was the darling of wartime America, his music and military band buoyed the troops and lifted morale. But his mysterious death flying across the English Channel has sparked countless theories of cover ups and conspiracies. The weirdest being that Miller was a super spy. Recent investigations allege that the big band hero was doing a lot more than just singing for America, he was actually on a top secret mission to topple Hitler and bring the war to an end!


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Free Documentary – History is dedicated to bringing high-class documentaries to you on YouTube for free. You will see fascinating animations showing the past from a new perspective and explanations by renowned historians that make history come alive.

Enjoy stories about people and events that formed the world we live in.


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The fight for water | DW Documentary https://paranormalactivity.org/the-fight-for-water-dw-documentary/ https://paranormalactivity.org/the-fight-for-water-dw-documentary/#comments Wed, 10 Aug 2022 16:00:00 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/the-fight-for-water-dw-documentary/

Climate change is causing temperatures to rise. Extreme weather events and droughts are increasing. Springs and wells are drying up. And everyone needs more water. The battles for control over precious water reserves have begun.

In some countries, water has always been available in abundance – and is wasted carelessly every day. But the climate crisis is changing that. Because the climate is warming, everyone needs more water than ever: for drinking, agriculture and industry. Water is the new gold.

In many countries, the distribution battles for precious water reserves have already begun. In Mendocino, California, there is no longer enough water to flush the toilets. And in Germany, regional drinking water supplies collapse in hot weather. Groundwater levels have dropped to record lows in many places. Will we still have enough drinking water in the future? What happens when our water disappears?

This is a three-part documentary series:
Part 1: The fight for water – https://youtu.be/1MZFrJPPIQ8
Part 2: What happens when our water dries up? – https://youtu.be/pWTg-Gpb2Tw
Part 3: Who owns water? – https://youtu.be/9edWX7TTsLw
Series playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLovlAKbQVz6A0u1yGUdaG7MSh7fG9SR3t&utm_source=EKLEiJECCKjOmKnC5IiRIQ

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Extreme Weather Events – The New Normal? | Climate Change | ENDEVR Documentary https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-events-the-new-normal-climate-change-endevr-documentary/ https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-events-the-new-normal-climate-change-endevr-documentary/#comments Sun, 10 Jul 2022 13:00:49 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-events-the-new-normal-climate-change-endevr-documentary/

Extreme Weather Events – The New Normal? | Extreme Realities | Climate Change | ENDEVR Documentary

Watch ‘How Oil Companies Hid the Truth About Climate Change’ here: https://youtu.be/xVwzxfon7LI

Featuring narrator Matt Damon, “Extreme Realities” investigates one of the most critical issues of our time: the link between severe weather events, climate change, and threats to our national security. Emmy-award winning filmmakers Marilyn and Hal Weiner consult with experts to find out what is happening to our weather. Just pick up any newspaper or watch any television news report and it becomes evident that unprecedented extreme weather events such as severe drought and heat waves, more intense hurricanes, increased tornado and wildfire activity, and crippling blizzards are leaving a trail of death and destruction throughout the world. In the wake of these disasters, we ask ourselves this fundamental question… Are these merely weather events that happen once in a hundred years – or are they early warning signals of a new reality – a new normal – a tipping point pushing our planet towards an environmental cliff?
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ENDEVR explains the world we live in through high-class documentaries, special investigations, explainers videos and animations. We cover topics related to business, economics, geopolitics, social issues and everything in between that we think are interesting.


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Extreme weather, rising sea levels, devastating floods – The global climate crisis | DW Documentary https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-rising-sea-levels-devastating-floods-the-global-climate-crisis-dw-documentary/ https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-rising-sea-levels-devastating-floods-the-global-climate-crisis-dw-documentary/#comments Tue, 05 Oct 2021 16:00:20 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/extreme-weather-rising-sea-levels-devastating-floods-the-global-climate-crisis-dw-documentary/

Extreme weather is occurring more frequently worldwide. Rising sea levels and heavy rain are causing devastating floods. Most researchers agree that these are the consequences of climate change. But what can we do to protect ourselves?

In July 2021, the Ahr Valley in western Germany was hit by a flash flood after heavy rainfall. Over 100 people were killed, thousands of homes were severely damaged. Experts are calling it the ‘flood of the century’. Yet extreme weather events such as the Ahr Valley floods have become more frequent in recent years – not only in Germany but worldwide. Mozambique has been hit by devastating cyclones for the third year running. In Bangladesh, the monsoon season has become heavier and more unpredictable due to climate change. More and more land has been flooded as a result. At the same time, heavy storms that cause flooding and rising sea levels threaten the south of the country. Experts estimate that 30 per cent of Bangladesh will be permanently flooded in a few years, making millions of people climate refugees.

Wealthy countries such as Germany are now investing billions in the battle against the floods. The Netherlands have long pioneered in flood management, building powerful pumping stations, ever higher dikes and flood barriers. None of these options are available to poor countries. All they can do, along with improving early flood warning systems, is to resettle the people affected. The film ‘Global Climate Crisis – How to Tackle the floods?’ shows the unequal fight against the consequences of climate change with examples from Germany, the Netherlands, Bangladesh, and Mozambique.

#documentary #flooding #climatechange #extremeweather

DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.

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⮞ DW Doku (German): https://www.youtube.com/dwdoku
⮞ DW Documentary (Hindi): https://www.youtube.com/dwdochindi

For more visit: http://www.dw.com/en/tv/docfilm/s-3610
Follow DW Documentary on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dwdocumentary/
Follow DW Documental on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dwdocumental

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Germany and the impact of extreme weather | DW Documentary https://paranormalactivity.org/germany-and-the-impact-of-extreme-weather-dw-documentary/ https://paranormalactivity.org/germany-and-the-impact-of-extreme-weather-dw-documentary/#comments Sun, 25 Jul 2021 18:00:05 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/germany-and-the-impact-of-extreme-weather-dw-documentary/

Whole areas washed away by the floods, entire villages wiped out, houses destroyed. More than 160 people have died. Despite excellent infrastructure and sound disaster relief, the effects of extreme weather on Germany are devastating.

On the night of 15 July, storms destroyed whole swaths of land in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate. Shortly afterwards, heavy rain ravaged Bavaria and wreaked havoc in the Netherlands, Austria, and Belgium. Only in the days that followed did the full extent of the catastrophe become apparent.

Now, people are returning to their homes, or what’s left of them. They are overwhelmed by their own helplessness and by the force and speed with which entire livelihoods have been wiped out. Now, the big cleanup begins—which will take years. How are people in the affected regions coping?


DW Documentary gives you knowledge beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events. Subscribe and explore the world around you with DW Documentary.

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DW Documentary (Arabic): https://www.youtube.com/dwdocarabia

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536 AD – Worst Year in History https://paranormalactivity.org/536-ad-worst-year-in-history/ https://paranormalactivity.org/536-ad-worst-year-in-history/#comments Tue, 11 May 2021 12:59:51 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/536-ad-worst-year-in-history/

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Kings and Generals’ historical animated documentary series on the history of Ancient Civilizations continues with a video on the year 536 AD, which many historians consider the worst year in history, as plague, famine, volcanic eruption, and extreme weather patterns changed the fate of the millions, especially influencing Sassanid and Eastern Roman Empires.

How Rome Conquered Greece: https://youtu.be/v5q1rerf-qw
Scythians: https://youtu.be/UuPNMQmwLAQ
Did the Trojan War Really Happen: https://youtu.be/12eHJL2yRtk
Demosthenes: https://youtu.be/ABS1iepXG0U
Ancient Greek Politics and Diplomacy: https://youtu.be/MVnp4NilDLI
Pyrrhic Wars: https://youtu.be/2QBA6ZPmj3Q
Ancient Macedonia before Alexander the Great and Philip II: https://youtu.be/FXX1FVYysjQ
Diplomatic Genius of Philip of Macedon: https://youtu.be/yVTrkESkuTw
Etruscans: https://youtu.be/FkySjRwUteE
Ancient Greek State in Bactria: https://youtu.be/IQATsepKoLE
The Greco-Chinese War Over the Heavenly Horses: https://youtu.be/g6Rphg_lwwM
Ancient Greek Kingdom in India: https://youtu.be/ZxJk4KHZxi8
Bosporan Kingdom: https://youtu.be/ltikjXUiAC4
Nomadic Cultures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaBYW76inbX7cF0J1R_7qF3GDsaaSq085

Support us on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/KingsandGenerals or Paypal: http://paypal.me/kingsandgenerals or by joining the youtube membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMmaBzfCCwZ2KqaBJjkj0fw/join We are grateful to our patrons and sponsors, who made this video possible: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ooKPbpq0z8ciEjz5Zmrga4-gWRmripm0u4BHMkkXHVc/edit?usp=sharing

Art and animation: Haley Castel Branco
Narration: Officially Devin (https://www.youtube.com/user/OfficiallyDevin)
Script: Matt Hollis

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Production Music courtesy of EpidemicSound

#Documentary #WorstYearInHistory #536


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How Animals Detect Disaster Before Humans | Sense Of Danger | Spark https://paranormalactivity.org/how-animals-detect-disaster-before-humans-sense-of-danger-spark/ https://paranormalactivity.org/how-animals-detect-disaster-before-humans-sense-of-danger-spark/#comments Tue, 11 Jul 2017 16:00:03 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/how-animals-detect-disaster-before-humans-sense-of-danger-spark/

Sense of Danger explores the previously unexplained phenomenon of how animals around the world use their innate senses to predict approaching disasters. This film produces evidence from looking at major worldwide disasters, including the tsunami in Thailand and earthquakes in San Francisco and Turkey. It also looks at the 1975 earthquake in China, the only major earthquake in history predicted by animal instinct – which saved 200,000 lives.
Do our animal friends possess a special sense, well beyond human ability, that serves as an efficient early warning system in times of danger?

First Released in 2013. Content Provided by DCD Rights. Any queries, contact us at hello@littledotstudios.com

Subscribe to Spark for more amazing science, tech and engineering videos – https://goo.gl/LIrlur

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#animals #naturaldisasters #disasters #education #science #technology #tsunami #hurricane #tornado #earthquake #biologicalprocess


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Recreating The Volcanic Eruption That Led To The Dark Ages | Catastrophe | Timeline https://paranormalactivity.org/recreating-the-volcanic-eruption-that-led-to-the-dark-ages-catastrophe-timeline/ https://paranormalactivity.org/recreating-the-volcanic-eruption-that-led-to-the-dark-ages-catastrophe-timeline/#comments Sat, 24 Jun 2017 17:00:00 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/recreating-the-volcanic-eruption-that-led-to-the-dark-ages-catastrophe-timeline/

A devastating volcanic eruption in A.D. 535 leads to the emergence of new nations and religions.

Written records from China, Italy, Palestine and many other countries suggest a huge catastrophe blighted the world in 536AD. But the cause of it has been uncertain.

Was it a comet? An asteroid? A volcano? Archaeologist David Keys reveals the latter is to blame for the Dark Ages of famine and plague that shaped the world order of today.

It’s like Netflix for history… Sign up to History Hit, the world’s best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code ‘TIMELINE’ —ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu

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This channel is part of the History Hit Network. Any queries, please contact owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com


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How Krakatoa Caused The Worst Year In History | Catastrophe | Timeline https://paranormalactivity.org/how-krakatoa-caused-the-worst-year-in-history-catastrophe-timeline/ https://paranormalactivity.org/how-krakatoa-caused-the-worst-year-in-history-catastrophe-timeline/#comments Fri, 23 Jun 2017 17:00:05 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/how-krakatoa-caused-the-worst-year-in-history-catastrophe-timeline/

Researching a climatic catastrophe that rocked the Earth in A.D. 535, causing two years of darkness, famine, drought and disease.

Written records from China, Italy, Palestine and many other countries suggest a huge catastrophe blighted the world in 535AD. But the cause of it has been uncertain.

Was it a comet? An asteroid? A volcano? Archaeologist David Keys reveals the latter is to blame for the Dark Ages of famine and plague that shaped the world order of today.

📺 It’s like Netflix for history… Sign up to History Hit, the world’s best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code ‘TIMELINE’ —ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu

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Content licensed from Digital Rights Group (DRG).

Produced by 3BM Television Limited.

Any queries, please contact us at: owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com


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