hail storm – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:09:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 CATACLYSMS: JULY 26, 2022! earthquakes, climate change, volcano, tsunami, natural disasters,news https://paranormalactivity.org/cataclysms-july-26-2022-earthquakes-climate-change-volcano-tsunami-natural-disastersnews/ https://paranormalactivity.org/cataclysms-july-26-2022-earthquakes-climate-change-volcano-tsunami-natural-disastersnews/#comments Tue, 26 Jul 2022 20:09:22 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/cataclysms-july-26-2022-earthquakes-climate-change-volcano-tsunami-natural-disastersnews/

CATACLYSMS: JULY 26, 2022! earthquakes, climate change, volcano, tsunami, natural disasters,news

A meteorite crash has been spotted in Texas.
Several witnesses near the flight path reported hearing a delayed sonic boom, indicating that small portions of the object may have survived on the ground.

It rains only 3-4 times a year in Oman, and the old-timers remember years when it didn’t rain for 4 years in a row. But now everything has changed and Naturally with the climate change, it rained, not just rain, but a real tropical downpour, in some places with large hail, which should not be in the Omani desert.

Record-breaking heat wave hits the U.S.
A heat wave has gripped territories from New York to Las Vegas this week. The thermometers soared above 38 degrees and about 100 million Americans are at risk.

Forest fires burn coastal homes and forests in Greece
A heat wave in Europe has spread eastward, causing an outbreak of wildfires in Greece. On Sunday, wildfires raged on the island of Lesvos, in the western Peloponnese and in northern Greece
Flames that began a march through mountain forests on the island of Lesvos on Saturday destroyed property at the seaside resort of Vatera. Authorities were forced to evacuate the two nearby villages of Vrissa and Stavros. One firefighter was injured.

An earthquake of magnitude 5.9 occurred in the eastern part of Myanmar, reports the U.S. Geological Survey.
Underground tremors were registered at 23:37 GMT. The epicenter of the seismic event was located about 53 km south of Kengtung. The hypocenter of the disaster was located at a depth of about 10 km.

In the United States, a wildfire rages in Mariposa County, which has already become one of the largest such disasters in California this year.
It is not yet known what caused the fire. The governor of the state has declared a state of emergency in Mariposa County.

The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, landfall, avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, typhoon, Tempest, Lightning.

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ATTENTION: Video material is taken from social networks. It is selected by date of publication, title, description and location of the event. Sometimes, due to unscrupulous posting of news on social networks, the video may contain fragments that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check their reliability. Thank you for your understanding.

In 2022, natural disasters have become more frequent. We are seeing climate change in many countries around the world. It is not yet known how 2022 will begin.

#breakingnews #tsunami #earthquake #tsunamiTonga #meteor #meteorBrazil #meteorMinasGerais #greeceSnow #stormDiomedes #windMinsk #windBelarus #HungaTonga #flood #earthquake #tornado #flashflood #flooding #flooding2022 #severestorm #landslide #windstorm #waterspout #storm #hailstorm #volcanoeruption #flood #flooding #flashfloods #landslide #fire #snowstorm #flooding2022 #mothernatureangry #caughtoncamera #cataclysm #weather #naturaldisasters #naturaldisasters2022 #news #newsjanuary15 #agonyofmotherearth
#weather #news #earthquake #tsunami #ndn #rain #toulouse #france #garonne #ariège #flood #lluvia #europe


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NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 19 – 25 September 2021 Climate changе! flood, hail storm https://paranormalactivity.org/natural-disasters-this-week-from-19-25-september-2021-climate-chang%d0%b5-flood-hail-storm/ https://paranormalactivity.org/natural-disasters-this-week-from-19-25-september-2021-climate-chang%d0%b5-flood-hail-storm/#comments Sun, 26 Sep 2021 16:07:29 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/?p=1052

NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 19 – 25 September 2021 Climate changе! flood, hail storm
The release features natural disasters around the world. Climate is changing, and this is very noticeable Climate Change!, that’s where the power is !!!! ,
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Thunderstorms batter 32C Britain as hail pelts down in the South East in extreme UK weather https://paranormalactivity.org/thunderstorms-batter-32c-britain-as-hail-pelts-down-in-the-south-east-in-extreme-uk-weather/ https://paranormalactivity.org/thunderstorms-batter-32c-britain-as-hail-pelts-down-in-the-south-east-in-extreme-uk-weather/#comments Wed, 21 Jul 2021 11:02:02 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/thunderstorms-batter-32c-britain-as-hail-pelts-down-in-the-south-east-in-extreme-uk-weather/

BRITS face yet ANOTHER scorching day with temperatures to hit 30C once more – after thunderstorms swept across the country yesterday.

Recent high temperatures have made roads “melt like chocolate” with councils around the country carrying out emergency repairs to surfaces damaged in the heat.

Massive hailstones swept across parts of the country on Tuesday night but have failed to make a dent in the scorching summer heat.

The mercury will soar back up to 30C today – with the possibility of reaching highs of 33C by Friday.

The ice cream aisles in supermarkets across the country have been ransacked and left empty by Brits desperate to cool down in the heat.

But the glorious weather took a turn in the East of England as heavy rain and hail fell and flooded several roads in “apocalyptic” scenes – as scattered storms look set to return today.

The barmy weather sent hail the “size of golf balls” crashing down during a thunderstorm in Leciester – seeing car windows smashed and vehicles dented “minutes” after locals were basking in the sunshine.

The Met Office have now issued a yellow warning for rain from Saturday across much of England and Wales as the weather flips on its head over the weekend.

Today, the Met said southern and western England will be hit with another 30C scorcher, as things cool down a little in the East.

An amber extreme heat warning remains in place for central and southern England, Wales and Northern Ireland as bookies have slashed odds to just 10/11 on this month being the hottest July on record.

It comes after Britain baked on the hottest day of the year as temperatures soared to 32C on Monday – before thunderstorms battered the country, and even ruined cars.

The Met Office yesterday issued four weather warnings for storms as well as extreme heat alerts while temperatures rocketed to 32.2C at Heathrow Airport.

They have now issued a yellow rain warning for the weekend and said to expect heavy rain and thundery showers after a week of sunshine.

The warning is in place across the majority of England and Wales as residents were cautioned about the possibility of flooding and travel disruption.

In Kibworth, Leicester, large hailstones caused damage to outdoor furniture and even smashed the windscreens of cars as stormy weather hit the area.

Dad-of-two Kevin Messenger, 39, had his VW Polo windscreen smashed by the unbelievable hail and believes the cost of damage in the area will be “running into the hundreds if not thousands of pounds.”

He said, “The hails stones were huge, I’ve never seen anything like it. The only thing I can compare it to was monsoon season when I went to Thailand.

“The hail was that severe it smashed the back windscreen of my car, I know other people in the village who had their car windows smashed too.”

Care homes and sheltered housing were evacuated after the hail smashed glass and corridors flooded as a month’s worth of rain fell in 30 minutes.

Twitter users posted images and videos of ruined pipes and damaged cars, as well as hailstones the size of large marbles.

There were also reports of intense rain and hail in Essex and Kent, amid a flash storm in the area.

Giant hailstones were spotted in Essex on Monday afternoon as storms hit with residents reporting the hail as “the size of marbles.”

Read more
SCORCHIO! UK weather – Roads melt ‘like chocolate’ and train lines buckle in extreme heat as Brits face another 30C scorcher today

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