Tag: Heatwave

Strange Weather

Thunderstorms batter 32C Britain as hail pelts down in the South East in extreme UK weather

The Sun
BRITS face yet ANOTHER scorching day with temperatures to hit 30C once more – after thunderstorms swept across the country yesterday. Recent high temperatures have...
Strange Weather

HEAT DOME: Here's how the extreme temperatures are being felt across Canada

CTV News
CTV’s Adriana Zhang explains how a heatwave in Western Canada is trapping pollutants and causing air quality issues and health concerns. Subscribe to CTV News...
Strange Weather

Biblical Weather Prophecy Events Happening – Extreme Weather Conditions Around The Globe

Incognito X
Biblical Weather Prophecy Event Happening – Extreme weather conditions around the globe https://www.profit-preneurship.com/profit-preneurship The Earth’s climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000...
Strange Weather

Extreme weather and climate change: Lingohack

Europe has been baking in a record breaking heatwave recently. Experts are pointing to the link between such extreme weather and climate change. BBC Science...
Strange Weather

Does Climate Change Cause Extreme Weather?

Above The Noise
What role does climate change play in extreme weather? TEACHERS: Get your students in the discussion on KQED Learn, a safe place for middle and...
Strange Weather

NASA Warns of Space Weather Chaos-Massive Explosion on the Moon-Catastrophic Events Sweep the Globe

Skywatch Media News
A METEOR with the explosive power of TEN cruise missiles struck the Moon, sparking a massive explosion visible with the naked eye. Now NASA warns...