Is – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:35:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Someone Has Just Caught A Black Object Manifesting Above Them But Can’t Explain What It Is Fri, 24 Mar 2023 21:35:49 +0000

Someone has just caught a black object manifesting above them but can’t explain what it is. Today, we take a look at what this black object is that was just captured.

his interesting photograph was just published to social media, but those who’ve seen it can’t seem to agree on what it is.

The black object sticks out against the clouds, and can be seen visible close to the ground.

Some users speculated that it was some sort of atmospheric phenomena, while others who allegedly saw the object said that it suddenly manifested in the sky.

The reason it caught people’s attention was because of how it was moving, with it reminding some of a symbiote.

Thank you for watching!

Thank you to CO.AG for the background music!


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The weather is about to get weird Tue, 27 Sep 2016 03:53:53 +0000

The flooded NSW towns of Forbes and Condobolin are bracing for further damage as more rain is forecast.A complex low pressure system and cold front will cause the wild conditions in a number of states and likely to be one of the biggest weather systems we have seen this year.Perth and the south west will be the first to feel its impact today with possible storms and hail as the intensifying storm passes to the south.Weatherzone reports the event will have a number of implications across multiple states including:- Wind gusts capable of causing widespread structural damage and power outages;- Thunderstorms that will generate tens of thousands of lightning strikes across a three-day period;- Rain that will fall into already inundated rivers and could cause further flooding;- Storms that may cause flash flooding and damaging winds;- An impressive late-season dump of snow in Australia’s alpine region.Here’s what you need to know as the weather system moves across from the west.VICTORIA


Whose Line Is It Anyway-Weird News Casters Part 2 Sat, 28 Aug 2010 21:48:12 +0000

See next episode here
I do not own the rights to tjis video it belongs to abc family please support the official release.


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