most popular weather forecaster – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Tue, 18 Sep 2018 14:00:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This Is Mexico's Most Popular Weather Forecaster Tue, 18 Sep 2018 14:00:05 +0000

If you don’t already know Yanet Garcia’s name, you may be missing out. Mexico’s most popular weather forecaster, Garcia didn’t become that way for no reason. Garcia has caught global attention, beyond Mexico, and has, understandably, gone viral. Her curve-hugging outfits and limit-pushing personality have fans continuously tuning in to her channel for more and clicking “follow” across all her social media platforms. They just can’t get enough!

Not only is Yanet Garcia absolutely stunning, but she’s got the brains to go with it. Stay tuned for more on Mexico’s most popular weather forecaster, Yanet Garcia. Let’s just say she’s not your average meteorologist.

#Mexico #Weather #YanetGarcia

Gym rat | 0:00
Almost said no | 1:00
Gaming over Garcia | 1:33
Dog lover | 2:10
Shutting down rumors | 2:42
Modeling agency | 3:13

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