Tag : rated red

Strange Weather

Strange Heartland History: The Night They Tried to Steal Lincoln’s Corpse

Rated Red
Lying in his coffin, Abraham Lincoln’s face had assumed the color of a bronze statue. This is what one onlooker remarked following a special viewing...
Strange Weather

Strange Heartland History: The Tale of the Gruesome Grist Mill

Rated Red
“His body was rapidly drawn in…crushing it into a pulp of quivering, bleeding flesh.” It was a windy day in Potsdam, MN, and a nearby...
Strange Weather

Strange Heartland History: When the U.S. Developed Pigeon-Guided Missiles

Rated Red
With guidance technology still years away, one researcher had a bird-brained idea on how to achieve it. Pigeons. AKA Trash doves. AKA Sky rats. These...