Tag: weather

Strange Weather

WTF is this? – Take the Weird Weather watch up a notch

https://www.youtube.com/THORnews I’ve spotted a line of 5 wind formations in a row. 4 in the Atlantic Ocean, 1 in the Pacific Ocean – Norbert and...
Strange Weather

Weather Channel Worlds Weirdest Weather

marc smith
Natural disasters can be more powerful and destructive than all other forces on the planet. Throughout human history, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and other devastating catastrophes...
Strange Weather

Climate Change, Chaos, and The Little Ice Age – Crash Course World History 206

In which John Green teaches you about the Little Ice Age. The Little Ice Age was a period of global cooling that occurred from the...
Strange Weather

Walkin’ in the Wind: People blown over in streets as Storm Ivar hits Norway

People christmas shopping in downtown Aalesund had troubles crossing the street today. The storm “Ivar” was blowing things and people around and police had to...