William – Paranormal Activity https://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Thu, 11 Mar 2021 20:00:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.4 How Humans Can See The Future | Weird or What? | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary Central https://paranormalactivity.org/how-humans-can-see-the-future-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/ https://paranormalactivity.org/how-humans-can-see-the-future-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/#comments Thu, 11 Mar 2021 20:00:09 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/how-humans-can-see-the-future-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/

Weird or What examines whether we can see into the future. It looks at the case of an Ohio man whose dreams predicted a horrible place crash before it happened. It then looks at how the premonitions of a boy saved his family from a deadly volcanic eruption in the state of Washington. Finally, it looks at a California man who was able to foresee the Hurricane Katrina disaster with uncanny accuracy.

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**This documentary is under non-exclusive license from Cineflix Rights. All rights reserved**

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Real Life Humanoid Monster Encounters | Weird or What? | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary Central https://paranormalactivity.org/real-life-humanoid-monster-encounters-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/ https://paranormalactivity.org/real-life-humanoid-monster-encounters-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/#comments Sat, 06 Mar 2021 20:00:16 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/real-life-humanoid-monster-encounters-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/

Weird or What looks at humanoid monsters. First, it looks at the case of a woman and her son who claim to have been attacked by the Jersey Devil. It, then, goes to South Carolina to examine evidence of a bizarre man Reptoid Lizard Man that is terrorizing the public. Finally, it goes to Wisconsin to investigate reports of a possible real-life werewolf known as the Beast of Bray Road.

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**This documentary is under non-exclusive license from Cineflix Rights. All rights reserved**

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Ancient Unsolved Mysteries Of The World | Weird or What | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary central https://paranormalactivity.org/ancient-unsolved-mysteries-of-the-world-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/ https://paranormalactivity.org/ancient-unsolved-mysteries-of-the-world-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/#comments Thu, 04 Mar 2021 15:00:30 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/ancient-unsolved-mysteries-of-the-world-weird-or-what-ft-william-shatner-documentary-central/

First, it looks at the unusually shaped skull of the Star Child which seems to suggest that aliens once walked the planet. It then looks at the mysterious Peruvian Ica stones that seems to indicate that dinosaurs lived alongside human beings. Finally, it examines the Saqqara Bird which some claim proves that ancient Egyptians invented modern flight.

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Documentary Central is the home for compelling documentaries tackling subjects like history, climate change, wildlife, conspiracy and more. Subscribe so you don’t miss out

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