Tag : world news

Strange Weather

Storm Henk batters UK – as 94mph gusts cause widespread disruption and damage

Sky News
Storm Henk has battered the UK with winds of up to 94mph, felling trees and scaffolding. Henk pummelled southwest England and south Wales, with many...
Strange Weather

Flooding claims lives in Spain after record rainfall – BBC News

BBC News
Heavy rain has caused major flooding across Spain with Madrid, Toledo and CΓ‘diz regions especially badly affected. A number of people have lost their lives...
Strange Weather

Extreme weather: glacial flooding, wildfires and hailstorms cause havoc across the world

Guardian News
Countries across the globe are facing a range of extreme weather events. In Germany, snowploughs were deployed in the middle of summer to shift ice...
Strange Weather

Trump pleads not guilty, expelled Tennessee lawmakers win back seats, and more | CBS News Mornings

CBS News
Get ahead on the latest news by streaming the most important national and global stories on CBS News Mornings. #news #livenews #breakingnews CBS News Streaming...
Strange Weather

Huge sinkhole opens up in China after catastrophic flooding

Guardian News
Typhoon Doksuri has swept northwards over China, bringing heavy rainfall to Beijing and the surrounding areas. Days of torrential downpours triggered catastrophic flooding, destroying roads...
Strange Weather

Italy battles extreme storms and wildfires over 24-hour period

Guardian News
In the past 24 hours Italy has battled wildfires in the south while violent storms wreaked havoc in the north. Authorities in Sicily closed part...
Strange Weather

NASA/ NOAA – CME Caused By Solar Flare(s) And Filament Eruptions Inbound For July 27th 2023!

World News Report Today July 27th 2023! NASA/ NOAA – CME Caused By Solar Flare(s) And Filament Eruptions Inbound For July 27th 2023! https://www.spaceweather.com/ https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/...