Tall White Base In Behind In Area 51, Has New 35 Meter Hanger! UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 5, 2022
Location of discovery: 69 (111km) Miles behind Nellis AFB

Source: Not saying…๐Ÿคจ but its not Google Earth.

Ohhhhhhh…new hanger and a new smaller building. ๐Ÿง I believe this is the Tall White base, 69 miles behind Nellis AFB, old firing range. But WTH is this new hanger for? Tall White aliens…remember the Charles Hall interview? ๐Ÿคจ This is not Google Earth so don’t bother looking there. ๐Ÿ›ธ 36ยฐ55’39.47″N 116ยฐ 0’22.70″Wย 

But really, whats going on at the Tall White base that Charles Hall said existed behind the old firing range of Nellis AFB. Well the firing range is said to be way back,ย Charles Hall said it was past Indian Springs. This is just 30 miles from there, deep in Area 51 land.ย 

So…WTH is that hanger for? ย A new Tall White spacecraft? It measures 35 meters by 35 meters. No small craft.ย 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwanย 

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