The Nuclear Threat in the Post Cold-War Era, May 1995


This monograph discusses the nuclear threat that the United States faces following the downfall of the Soviet Union. The Russian and Chinese nuclear arsenals represent a formidable threat that must be countered and a new threat is emerging in the third world despite efforts to counter the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

The monograph reviews the current status of both the Russian and Chinese arsenals and lists the programs that are being undertaken to modernize and improve their respective nuclear capabilities. Both nations are taking significant steps to preserve and improve their nuclear strike capability.

The proliferation of nuclear weapons technology, fissile material. and ballistic missiles in the third world is an emerging threat to national security interests, The lack of appropriate security measures during the on-going dismantling of the former Soviet nuclear arsenal presents an opportunity for “rogue” states and terrorist organizations to readily obtain the materials to produce their own nuclear weapons.

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The Nuclear Threat in the Post Cold-War Era, May 1995 [51 Pages, 2.2MB]


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