Strange Weather

The Point: Beijing records heaviest rainfall in 140 years

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Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has experienced continuous heavy rainfall! Heat waves are wracking havoc globally. What sparked this extreme weather?

Guests: Qi Ye, Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, also Professor at the School of Public Policy & Management at Tsinghua University.
Prof. Brendan Mackey, Director of the Griffith Climate, Action Beacon at Griffith University.

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Teresa Mary Cullen August 4, 2023 at 7:27 am

HAARP geoengering

Stacey Colangelo August 4, 2023 at 7:51 am

On behalf of Communists in America, our best wishes and prayers to our Chinese family and friends during these weather emergency.

John Christopher Delegero August 4, 2023 at 8:20 am


Raymond Li August 4, 2023 at 8:29 am

9:00 Disaster mgmt: PPRR – Prevent, Prepare, Respond, Recover 🛟

Silver Surfer August 4, 2023 at 8:40 am

Iraq weapons of mass destruction was all a propaganda lie.
BP and other Corrupt Energy firms are now explotive drilling and mining and leaving behind an ecological disaster in Iraq.
Million innocent Iraqis murdered

Silver Surfer August 4, 2023 at 8:41 am

In EVERY invaded/conflict/war torn location there are always 1000+ years of Western Colonial Exploitive Corrupt Energy Companies drilling and mining that nation by the back door.

Rosalynn Chow August 4, 2023 at 12:51 pm


Melania Monica Craciun August 4, 2023 at 1:15 pm

😭😱😞😰😨😓😟😥😢😭 let's weep a river of tears of grief friends, natural disasters are our biggest enemies to fight against, no matter which country of which damages, those who support the theory we have to get used to this horrible trend and we can not do anything against the weather gone insane..sorry friends, l do not agree we have to get used to such disasters, we have the scientific knowledge, skills , tools and equipments to fight back the climate change and calm down this horrible trend, we know what we have to deal. The Covid isolation was good to stop all traffic and pollution, it is not enough to cool down the planet's high temperature, Covid murdered 20 milion people world wide, the Putin's idea that most humans deserve to be eliminated either … but if we think, of seven billion individuals on this planet involved gardening and manufacture oxygen factories might invert the trend…you see, in the end, Mother Earth's expecting love, affection, simply humanity and mercy from all of us and if we do not care…we risk to die all of us

Melania Monica Craciun August 4, 2023 at 1:25 pm

American trend used to teach all other countries world wide to build up big giant megalomanic electrical power be shared then in very tiny domestic homes needs, this is ridiculous. Tell me please, what is this killer system use? Anybody is terrorized to invent the …digit tax next? A digit electrical power for a phone use, the vacuum cleaner use, the lamps use on solar panels batteries and other clean green resources, you need to get in action everybody plizzzzzz, all Chinese companies start to neutralize pollution, now that you have American skyscrapes and killer traffic, big suffocating crowded megalopolis, time for a change friends, being so suicidal is not the solution, China is a one and half billion individuals population, for how much American way messed up our lives, a lot of countries are waiting to follow the Chinese way instead. Mostly Far East countries that risk to go under the ocean due to these devastating floods, Pakistan and India are eager to switch electrical system, do not let yourselves fooled anymore, please don't. Electrical vehicles are possible, electrical power plants as well, saving fuels gas petrol and coal, is possible, asking companies having independent electrical plants, let it water bring down the heat before devastating floods come to cool down the overheated atmosphere, we all know what we have to do friends

Melania Monica Craciun August 4, 2023 at 1:36 pm

These extreme weather hickups are in purpose like a huge scream for help, nobody could ever explain, how come humans are so different from animals…maybe because someone felt like breaking it's heart watching animals die so helpless due to natural catastrophies…and we should die now like idiot dummies because we can not do anything about it. Since Confucius ages, lost tribes on the Chinese lands loved to build navigation canals, now everybody must move the first level and let the ground free for water canals all over again, we need to learn from the Past how to recycle good ideas friends, water can be pumped up like geiser springs in purpose to give oxygen the dry atmosphere which is the first cause generating killer clouds filled of heavy rains. Scientific knowledge is average TV entertainment by now, if stupid human dummies do not use wisdom well…I am very much afraid, someone out there is getting upset like hell friends, that's the point. Water canals might help as well, save fuels and give up pollution, since Confucius ages, water power was…the most powerful one, that's a fact. We can not sit doing nothing and die like me idiots in the name of Holy capitalism…this petrol obsession must end, they say, gas worths gold, then let's lock it in a safe bank caveau like gold and keep it there as fortune for future for a while

Melania Monica Craciun August 4, 2023 at 1:51 pm

The Dubai lesson is that even petrol, gas or fuels can be used for green projects, bringing the desert to life and invert the sea salted water on to sweet good one for domestic use, this might help a lot bringing the desert to life and let it turn on to fertile land for new farming, if not in China but most African countries, when we become the perfect victims of the others wars, sorry friends, we have to put nose on the others internal affairs, no matter Americans or Nigerians, Putin's madness or other war criminals, we can not ignore climate change because… idiot humans are busy to murder each other and murder us all. There are things everybody know by now, our planet is surrounded of a huge gas blanket made of atmosphere, in the Universe is all dark, have you ever noticed? The light on earth is thanks the tiny particles of water in the atmosphere, not a single tiny fart is escaping out there in the universe, even dead satellites debris come down to Earth to die, that's a huge lesson of life again friends. The industrial smog, ashes dust and chemical smoke in the atmosphere are increasing the Solar radiations, which are giving humans the cancer threats, everybody knows these things, if you care to save lives, Putin doesn't have to be so busy to murder us all, we do not have much to live going on this way, we go all fried by radiations soon. Vegetals are our salvation, we are seven billion individuals on this planet, if each one start gardening we have hopes to invert the trend…which side are you on guys? Think about it friends, that's the point, we have to face real facts, beyond big war affairs to murder us all we are dead meat with no hope…can you realize this?

Tadeusz Mierzęcki August 4, 2023 at 2:02 pm

Organizacja pomocowa dla ludzi jest wzorcowa a straty w ludziach małe. ChRL dobrze jest przygotowana do takich klęsk.

Melania Monica Craciun August 4, 2023 at 2:04 pm

Each one of us is following his own feelings, each time weather is changing and I mean the American hurricanes, l feel so sick, my head is blowing up to pieces, I wonder how a human being can survive such a huge pain, l can not stay out of it, friends, it hurts like hell, the clouds are moving towards Europe, when they arrive over Venice in Italy, I feel just happy my home is second floor and no floods threats could ever scare me anymore. Besides the jokes and sarcasm, I am very much afraid some other people have the brain fried already, if being so suicidal, being so anti human, so anti planet that climate change do not exist and we can not do anything to get rid of these natural disasters well…dear Chinese friends, try to get used to all this, if you consider this a good idea…I do not agree Ok? God gave us the freedom to use the own brain and have a private opinion, I think we can not resign surrender and get used to this horrible situation, but then, anyone is free to do things his own way, it's a bit like Italian mafia kind of thinking…which death do you prefer to die of? Because you are dead anyway… learning to survive…no, what is life worth living if not being already dead? In the meanwhile you can release your frustration on those who are vulnerable defenceless, murder them slowly because it's all a murder business, yeah, what a great fun huh? God gave us have a total disrespect towards this Holy Blessing isn't it?

Azad Persad August 4, 2023 at 10:34 pm

Is somebody weaponizing The Weather

Berta Nelson August 4, 2023 at 10:42 pm

Bejing can learn from permaculture planners. Green the city with trees, planting of all kinds. Make sidewalk & roadways porous so water gets absorbed instead of running off & flooding. Examine where run off is most likely & install runways for it. Examine where water is likely to gather & flood & construct buildings accordingly. In other words, comprehensively EXAMINE the geography, topography, construction areas & transportation routes from the perspective of hydrology & temperature management. We have some fine permaculture activists in USA, also elsewhere & fine books written. Please read & study & develop truly "smart" cities that are in alignment with natural world.

Jon Parr August 5, 2023 at 12:52 am

Floods from opening dams to protect Beijing destroyed many villages

Bo Yu August 5, 2023 at 2:23 am

what to do with the water after rain stop ?

Luis Souza August 5, 2023 at 6:25 pm

Congratulations for the professional work and coverage. Great show. My heart is with the chinese people.

BigBolt August 5, 2023 at 7:18 pm

Just more PR and coverup here.. You all must work for the CCP..

Creamix August 6, 2023 at 3:46 am

My daughter is in Beijing and she reported there is no flooding in the city.

Chitsamon Innang August 8, 2023 at 5:16 am


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