Comments on: The Point: Beijing records heaviest rainfall in 140 years Exploring The Unknown Tue, 08 Aug 2023 05:16:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chitsamon Innang Tue, 08 Aug 2023 05:16:52 +0000 ขอให้ปชช.จีนปลอดภัยทุกมณฑลค่ะคนไทยเอาใจช่วย

By: Creamix Sun, 06 Aug 2023 03:46:30 +0000 My daughter is in Beijing and she reported there is no flooding in the city.

By: BigBolt Sat, 05 Aug 2023 19:18:55 +0000 Just more PR and coverup here.. You all must work for the CCP..

By: Luis Souza Sat, 05 Aug 2023 18:25:22 +0000 Congratulations for the professional work and coverage. Great show. My heart is with the chinese people.

By: Bo Yu Sat, 05 Aug 2023 02:23:14 +0000 what to do with the water after rain stop ?

By: Jon Parr Sat, 05 Aug 2023 00:52:32 +0000 Floods from opening dams to protect Beijing destroyed many villages

By: Berta Nelson Fri, 04 Aug 2023 22:42:54 +0000 Bejing can learn from permaculture planners. Green the city with trees, planting of all kinds. Make sidewalk & roadways porous so water gets absorbed instead of running off & flooding. Examine where run off is most likely & install runways for it. Examine where water is likely to gather & flood & construct buildings accordingly. In other words, comprehensively EXAMINE the geography, topography, construction areas & transportation routes from the perspective of hydrology & temperature management. We have some fine permaculture activists in USA, also elsewhere & fine books written. Please read & study & develop truly "smart" cities that are in alignment with natural world.

By: Azad Persad Fri, 04 Aug 2023 22:34:03 +0000 Is somebody weaponizing The Weather

By: Melania Monica Craciun Fri, 04 Aug 2023 14:04:08 +0000 Each one of us is following his own feelings, each time weather is changing and I mean the American hurricanes, l feel so sick, my head is blowing up to pieces, I wonder how a human being can survive such a huge pain, l can not stay out of it, friends, it hurts like hell, the clouds are moving towards Europe, when they arrive over Venice in Italy, I feel just happy my home is second floor and no floods threats could ever scare me anymore. Besides the jokes and sarcasm, I am very much afraid some other people have the brain fried already, if being so suicidal, being so anti human, so anti planet that climate change do not exist and we can not do anything to get rid of these natural disasters well…dear Chinese friends, try to get used to all this, if you consider this a good idea…I do not agree Ok? God gave us the freedom to use the own brain and have a private opinion, I think we can not resign surrender and get used to this horrible situation, but then, anyone is free to do things his own way, it's a bit like Italian mafia kind of thinking…which death do you prefer to die of? Because you are dead anyway… learning to survive…no, what is life worth living if not being already dead? In the meanwhile you can release your frustration on those who are vulnerable defenceless, murder them slowly because it's all a murder business, yeah, what a great fun huh? God gave us have a total disrespect towards this Holy Blessing isn't it?

By: Tadeusz Mierzęcki Fri, 04 Aug 2023 14:02:54 +0000 Organizacja pomocowa dla ludzi jest wzorcowa a straty w ludziach małe. ChRL dobrze jest przygotowana do takich klęsk.
