Comments on: This Fell From The Sky But No One Knows What it Is Exploring The Unknown Mon, 07 Nov 2022 04:20:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Death Mon, 07 Nov 2022 04:20:27 +0000 Thank you Father for doing the Gods work!

By: Death Mon, 07 Nov 2022 04:19:14 +0000 It's great balls of fire!

By: CommonSense Sun, 06 Nov 2022 19:44:18 +0000 Regarding Milwaukee, that's my city. In the Summer of 2015, a Saturday night during the Brady Street Festival, we witnessed a strange event. At around midnight, we saw these orange orbs flying above our heads from east to west, until they disappeared behind the buildings. That same weekend, we had the Water and Air Show, but that was during the day. The next day, TMJ4 channel had a story with a footage about something falling from the sky the night before. Another station Fox6 had another story of some other sighting above German Town. In both stories they claimed those were stunt by parachuters but that was not what we saw. We were hundreds of people in the festival. Everybody was watching. Parachutes go down but those orbs were flying horizontal and for many miles. I took photos with my mobile and all I could see is the orange circles, nothing hanging from them. Also, they were silent, not producing any sound. Brady Street is near downtown and the lake front drive. German Town is about twenty miles North West. Wauwatosa is about 10 miles West. That's where the first story came from. If you are interested in this story, go to Brady Street and ask around what people saw in that night of 2015, right around the time of the end of the Brady Street Festival, the string of orange orbs. I've been there and witnessed it. No media reported anything about it although it was more significant story than the other two ones.

By: Cyberchronick Thu, 03 Nov 2022 15:48:33 +0000 It's an armadillo

By: Cheryl Thu, 03 Nov 2022 04:40:05 +0000 That old image in the woods is the symbol of the lost planet called: Ninibru. It's supposed to make it's rotation back to us after every 25000 years. Many companies use its logo. Google images. Please excuse me if l spelled it wrong but that's what you are looking at. And it's everywhere in our lives because it's a symbol of power. I'm sure Chrysler has it as it's logo too.

By: TubeLes Wed, 02 Nov 2022 12:13:30 +0000 ]]> As usual… blurred photo. 🙄

By: Pasture Expectations Farm Mon, 31 Oct 2022 04:00:04 +0000 "Meal spheres???" Do you mean "metal spheres?"

By: Alice Hood Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:52:11 +0000 😈 😈😈 else lives in this world or Moon universe we have the right to know and not be lied to food and bamboozled]]> Tell the truth and shame the devil 😈😈 😈😈 else lives in this world or Moon universe we have the right to know and not be lied to food and bamboozled

By: Alice Hood Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:46:26 +0000 Why would you call it some kind of evil maybe if there is life on board of that spaceship they may be no more different than me or my people are you and your people! Why are we so balanced toward one another and others peace is positivity and peace creates elevation.

By: Alice Hood Sun, 30 Oct 2022 09:11:40 +0000 or if I am somehow the cause of this activity it seems no one complains or has seen this activity but myself. I suggest that the ancient ancestors have returned to recapture this Earth and if you are not prepared I suggest you get prepared. I am fully completely awake, I am a god goddess the trinity and I have no fear because my ancestors have come to save their people believe if you want or believe if you don't want but I am prepared the time has come for my ancestors to reclaim this Earth and the time for hatred racism and oppression it's over. Social are awake, aware of the change is going on on this Earth it is soon to come so prepare my brothers and sisters my gods and goddesses and try to pair to help wake up those that are our people help them to prepare themselves. Nothing can be forced but we can only teach and speak and help those that are of us to wake up and be prepared! Brothers and sisters we are the trinity and the time has come. To the gods and goddesses peace sincerity. God talk!]]> I have had two incidents with the Moon in recent times the first was at 3:00 a.m. well I was about to go to my dumpster to drop trash looking up after not seeing the Moon for so many weeks, the moon was extremely bright and the sky was clear and there was a face to the right of the Moon and I waved and the face waved back as I continued the wave that face turned away as if it had a companion to the left of the Moon and that left face turned and the right face went to for the right out of sight and that face had a somewhat of a smirk and seemed bothered that I had seen this situation as I turned to my friend to ask her if she saw what I saw and tell her I was going to continue to the dumpster that was about maybe a hundred yards from my back door patio area my friend became very frightened and begged me not to go to the dumpster and she said if I did they would jump me I laughed because that sort of statement comes from a younger person and since I am older I'm not very fearful and was not willing to take her advice but again she begged me not to leave toward the dumpster suddenly I turned back to my right and there seemed to be something White like a star or something I really could not make out hanging in mid air and then suddenly this object appeared to speed toward me and as it came closer I swerved out of its path cuz I'm a bad old b** and as I kept my eye on this object I can the air and speed move across me as I dumped its path and at that time I had actually turned toward my friend that was behind me as I swerved away to ask her if she had seen this and she said yes and begin to cry and said she was afraid and begged me not to go to the dumpster because she thought they would jump me so, because she was so afraid I did not go to the dumpster but followed, her into my kitchen which is off from the deck of the patio. Suddenly there were many different color lights red blue green yellow all over my backyard and there were these creatures in my house as I'm standing at the screen door to my outdoor patio not believing this could be true but believe in, I was in a different dimension these creatures were red blue green with huge red eyes all over my kitchen I have pictures, and still for some reason I was not fearful I was just in disbelief this was happening I continued standing at the screen door looking out my patio door and there appeared some sort of young man sitting on my next door neighbor's patio and at the time I did not realize this could have been what the moon had thrown at me and that it was an actual person and I wondered to myself what would have happened if that item the moon through toward me would have killed me or just would have taken over my body. I asked the person or the object or the it or whatever it was who was he why was he here and what did he want and his lips were moving but I could not hear or even consider what he may have been saying. I asked my friend what she thought would have happened to me if I had been touch the harm to buy this thing or person the moon had through toward me and she said she did not know maybe I would have been killed especially because of the speed this item came toward me. Luckily I caught sight of this item as it was suspended in air when it came down from the Moon and luckily I am not a fearful person and I'm not crazy I kept my composure and I kept my thought of my surroundings and I did a karate type move out of the direction of the object coming to me that was also a casket in my yard and there was a man and woman standing there and they moved the huge concrete top of the casket and there was a woman lying inside as they stood their gazing. It was hours before this alien party or whatever you made call it but this went on for hours I have no idea why I wasn't afraid I could only think why was this happening to me and believing that this could not be true and alsop but, at the same time I'm believing this had to be true because I was not the only one witnessing or being party to this incident
I'll continue to live my life just the same as if nothing had happened or if this did happenp but I continued on with my life without incident until February of 2022 doing that winter I walked to a local gas station for cigarettes at about 2:00 or 3:00 a.m. just to get air and some exercise since my sleep pattern had certainly been affected and as I'm walking back these two or three blocks I get to the corner of my street there's a red light but I'm watching the moon and it's following me and although I'm still not afraid and I'm using some severe curse words, like, is this mother f*** following me? But I get to the corner and I suddenly stop because the hair on the back of my neck stood up and as I slowly turned around there is the Moon about three to four feet away from me sitting directly in my face and I am five four and again for some reason my crazy ass is not afraid but as I turned and looked at this really eerie eerie entity standing right before me I said to Mr or Ms Moon"you better get the f*** away from me because I've got a 6-in blade and we're going to have a problem, a fight I turn my back and continue walking this half block to my house not considering this thing may still be following me, what did it want and I'm saying to myself,,"just don't f*** with me I am not that girl you see my face is black I'm ready to rumble"I continued on to the inside of my house put down my items I purchased and I guess then I became more curious like what the f*** is going on so I go out too my stoop and I sit there and I'm daring the moon to come down now because for some reason I got some real carriage well it's suddenly did move forward a little bit back and forth but I have a picture of just that because then my mind thought you can video this if the moon comes for you again so, I did take some videos and I do have a couple of the Moon moving as it should not have and if interested I'm willing to post them. There is a field of solar panels that are a half a block from my cul-de-sac and I wonder if that area causes 🤣 or if I am somehow the cause of this activity it seems no one complains or has seen this activity but myself. I suggest that the ancient ancestors have returned to recapture this Earth and if you are not prepared I suggest you get prepared. I am fully completely awake, I am a god goddess the trinity and I have no fear because my ancestors have come to save their people believe if you want or believe if you don't want but I am prepared the time has come for my ancestors to reclaim this Earth and the time for hatred racism and oppression it's over. Social are awake, aware of the change is going on on this Earth it is soon to come so prepare my brothers and sisters my gods and goddesses and try to pair to help wake up those that are our people help them to prepare themselves. Nothing can be forced but we can only teach and speak and help those that are of us to wake up and be prepared! Brothers and sisters we are the trinity and the time has come. To the gods and goddesses peace sincerity. God talk!
