U.S. Air Force Interest In Watching Robert Salas’ “UAPs and Nukes” National Press Club Event

On October 19, 2021, Robert Salas held a National Press Club event called, “Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and Nuclear Weapons.” Recently revealed documents show the Air Force had an interest ensuring they were able to watch the event, with the caveat expressed to Salas that it was to prepare for any media questions.

According to the press release about the event:

“A panel of former U.S. Air Force officers will discuss their involvement in UAP incidents at nuclear missile bases and test sites during the Cold War era. 

In two instances in March 1967, nuclear weapons were disabled during UAP encounters at launch control facilities. Numerous UAP-related missile shutdowns have now been publicly acknowledged by former U.S. Senator Harry Reid, whose efforts resulted in creation of the DOD UAP investigations group known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The purpose of this news conference is to inform the public about these incidents and to call for public Congressional Hearings on this subject with national security implications.”

In February of 2022, The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for records regarding UAPs (and a small list of other related keywords) and the below responsive records came up (full download is beneath this article).

The key points include the fact that the Air Force first reached out to Robert Salas with the hopes of watching his event:

In addition to the short back and forth between the Air Force and Robert Salas, also included were internal communications.

These emails revealed that in addition to one of the spokespeople within the Air Force wanting to watch the event, what appears to be a speechwriter from the Air Force, Major Patrick Crawford, also asked to be looped in.

Arguably the most notable within these internal communications, is the reveal that there is a lack of any “RTQ” or “Response to Query” on UAPs at the Air Force.

The Black Vault had discovered previously an RTQ from the Navy on the topic, which offered much insight into how they handled UAP related questions. It was a bit surprising that the Air Force did not have an equivalent document to handle UFO related questions, at least, according to this email.

Within the same correspondence, you can also see the lack of real want by the Air Force to even want to field any queries about the topic. Laura McAndrews, a spokesperson with the Air Force, expressed her “hope” that it would stay that no one was asking them any questions. She also appeared delighted that two of the subject matter experts within the presentation were both from the Army and the Navy, therefore, any media related questions would be sent to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) or in other words, Susan Gough. This would then relieve the Air Force from having to answer themselves.

Rose Riley, another Air Force spokesperson, likely referenced Gough in one of her emails (referred to as “Sue”) and how she had not “asked again,” but it is unclear what this is in reference to.

The entire FOIA release is below.

Document Archive

U.S. Air Force Interest In Watching Robert Salas’ “UAPs and Nukes” National Press Club Event [5 Pages, 0.5MB]

FOIA Response Email

Dear Mr. Greenewald,

This is response to your 4 January 2022, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA request for documents relating to “copy of ALL e-mails (INCLUDING ALL ATTACHMENTS) sent to/from (bcc’d or cc’d) with any classification, all officials within the Air Force Public Affairs Office.”

AF/PA provided releasable and responsive documents however, certain information is being withheld under Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 (b)(6).  Exemption (b)(6) applies to the withholding of information that could reasonably be expected to constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy

Should you decide to appeal this response, you must write to the Secretary of the Air Force, Thru: SAF/AAII (FOIA), 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC 20330¬1000, within 90 calendar days from the date of this letter. Include in the appeal, your reasons for reconsideration, and attach a copy of this letter.

You may contact the Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Officer, Ms. Anh Trinh, concerning this final response at Air Force FOIA Public Liaison Office, 1800 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC 20330-1800 or /[email protected]  (703) 614-8500.

You may also seek dispute resolution services from the Office of Government Information Services, and can find information on this Office at https://ogis.archives.gov/mediation-program/request-assistance.htm.  Using the dispute resolution services, will not affect your appeal or appeal rights.

Please direct your questions to Janet Beasley at (703) 614-3025 or [email protected] and reference case number 2020-01305-F.



Government Information Specialist/Paralegal
Headquarters Air Force Information Office (SAF/AAII)


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