UAP Over North Miami Beach, Florida July 14, 2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: July 14, 2022
Location of sighting: North Miami Beach, Florida, USA

This mysterious object appeared in the sky over Miami yesterday during sunset. The eyewitness described it as a giant sperm with several small stars in it. Now some will say its SpaceX rocket, but I see no rocket. Can you? However I do see a huge tear drop disk in the sky that is semi transparent and then turns invisible. There is also some small lights that come from it and seem to fall. I believe these to be small transport ships bringing people to an underwater alien base off the shores of Florida. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Coming home from work tonight I looked up and saw this bright white trail is what I thought was a cloud at first. As it continues to move, the smoke/cloud trail also continued. In the video you see as it continues to “fly” the air around it is billowed around it like it’s affecting the air space.


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