UFO Flashes To Eyewitnesses At Beach In Brazil, Feb 2, 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: Feb 2, 2022
Location of sighting: Brazil beach

The spectators watching this UFO over a beach in Brazil really excited the onlookers. You can hear them gasp and ask questions of what it could possibly be. This UFO flashes several times…because its trying to say hello to the people below in the only way its allowed. Every alien species has different contact rules about humans…this one has to keep a distance, but apparently there was no rule about deliberately flashing to catch humans attentions below. Awesome work around and goes to show…even aliens have rules, mandates, necessary things they need to follow. They seem a bit more like us now don’t they? 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan  


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