UFO Hovering Over Islamabad, Pakistan, 13 min HD video, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: January 25, 2022

Location of sighting: Islamabad, Pakistan

Wow! Just wow! This is what every UFO research dreams of. Thirteen full minutes in HD of a UFO…all the while the eyewitness has a steady hand! Fantastic capture and lucky for us, eyewitness Arslen Warraich was on the job! I have seen similar UFO photos of such craft in old reports going back decades ago, so I know this craft is 100% the real deal. There is no denying the existence of UFOs now! 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 

This is the longest recorded UFO sighting by a civilian on record, 13 mins of footage.
I saw this when I was landing my drone, it hovered for over 2 hours at this spot when eventually it got dark and I couldn’t see it anymore. 


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