UFO spotted in Hays County, Austin, Texas On April 2022, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2022
Location of sighting: Austin, Texas, USA

Watch this amazing news video about a many who saw an orange UFO several times in his area of Austin, Texas. He wasn’t alone, many others saw them too. Aliens are trying to get themselves noticed little by little, desensitizing the public about the horrible stereotypes that the movies have put in all our heads. This kind of activity will continue until enough people have no fear when looking up at such objects in the sky. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 

“I just walked out and saw this strange light in the sky,” said Sal Sanchez, who captured video of the lights. “I was looking around at all the planes in the air like, ‘Is anybody seeing this?’””You had to have been here to see it,” he said. “There was one right after another.”

His neighbor and family have also witnessed the phenomenon.

“My daughter saw it another time,” said Sanchez. “Two that were coming south to north met up with one that was going north to south, and it turned around and followed the other ones back.”

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