Strange Weather

Weathermen Who Lost It On Live TV

Being a weatherman is not an easy job. If your forecast ends up being wrong, everyone will blame you, and even if you get the forecast right, people will still complain if it’s bad weather. In addition, you have to do the exact same thing on live TV day after day and still find a way to make it interesting and fresh for your audience. Taking all of that into consideration, it’s a bit understandable that a meteorologist might get to a point where they lose control, even while being filmed. Let’s take a look at some weathermen who lost it on live TV.

#Bloopers #News #Weathermen

FOX 45’s Jamie Simpson | 0:00
CNN’s Chad Myers | 1:11
Global News’ Kristi Gordon | 1:50
Michigan’s Garry Frank | 2:27
WITI-TV ‘s Angelica Duria | 3:12
Australia’s Steve Jacobs | 3:43
Fox 2’s Derek Kevra | 4:18
The Weather Channel’s James Cantore | 5:12
The BBC’s Tomasz Schafernaker | 5:54

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Grunge September 2, 2019 at 1:45 am

What's the craziest thing you've seen a weatherperson do?

Bussy Fajitas October 11, 2021 at 3:43 pm

Was really hoping to see Don Harmon's breakdown after the dogs started humping.

larsworld h October 11, 2021 at 3:45 pm

having a annoying women interrupt you trying to talk warrants a strike back, he was 100% in the right.

Patricia Martinez October 11, 2021 at 6:26 pm

Your local weather is important. You need to hear impending threats on your life.

Bruce Boucher October 12, 2021 at 2:35 am

Thunder snow is jive 👍

sharon mcmann-morelli October 12, 2021 at 3:59 pm

he’s funny but very right! very dedicated 👍🏼

Lynn H October 12, 2021 at 8:12 pm

It's great to see these Meteorologists acting HUMAN!

johnson oney October 12, 2021 at 10:30 pm

The first clip just shows how stupid people are and how they would rather pander to their favorite celebrity or program , rather than to be saved from a damn tornado !

willow _88 October 13, 2021 at 12:17 am

stressful J O B_

Adriana B October 13, 2021 at 7:20 am


Paul Grimm October 13, 2021 at 7:50 pm

The weather sucks Get over it!

qwertyuiop October 13, 2021 at 7:57 pm

The one who cares about what the tweeters and Facebookers say just ignore them and just do your job. They just want to get a rise out of you!
Some stupid people think weathermen and women are God and can control the weather

Lighting Lotus October 14, 2021 at 3:38 am

let me talk carol 😂📣

j3di Mind tRix October 14, 2021 at 6:29 am

Goodness gracious. Why the commentary? Are people so damn stupid they can’t actually tell what they are seeing that they need you to play by play it to them? Ffs let us just watch the clips….

Cyrious October 14, 2021 at 10:20 am

Schafernacker what a name sounds like Nickname for a 🍆 🤷🏽‍♀️

Fadel Spartali October 14, 2021 at 4:47 pm

Buddy got attacked from a flamingo at 3:44 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Josh Black October 14, 2021 at 8:10 pm

Who is James Cantore? He has always been known as Jim.

patton303 October 15, 2021 at 7:37 am

Love the Grand Rapids guy. I feel you, brother.

patton303 October 15, 2021 at 7:41 am

We have a guy in Denver named Kyle Clark. He’s a treasure.
He went the hell off about people sending in pictures of backyard patio furniture under the snow every time it snows.

Gay Preator October 15, 2021 at 3:03 pm

The guy from the weather channel.👎👎

The Spooky Kabuki October 16, 2021 at 5:17 am

I love James Cantore!!! He's awesome.

Tim Tighe October 16, 2021 at 5:21 pm

The pelican was going after the spray tan

star1 October 17, 2021 at 11:10 am

Cute the spider scene

Rockwell Rhodes October 18, 2021 at 4:16 am


Joe Stoen October 19, 2021 at 4:28 am

Just show the clips. No one cares about the commentary.

Jamie Wilson October 19, 2021 at 9:30 am

John Kettley was the man.The Weatherman.

FlyawayFever1 October 19, 2021 at 2:28 pm

What's this algorithm? Lmao

Cecilia Rauth October 19, 2021 at 5:44 pm

Here's a 60. I don't know if that's good enough for you guys.🤣🤣🤣 You're gonna begin with a generic left to right swipe.🤣🤣🤣

andy slater October 22, 2021 at 9:33 am

Narrator yammering too much.

Spartan Killer October 22, 2021 at 2:48 pm

1:08 but if no one died or got hurt he would’ve be a joke

Unappreciated Treehouse October 28, 2021 at 3:07 pm

What would we do without weather dorks?

cholesterol October 29, 2021 at 12:45 am

I don't know how you managed to pick all of the worst clips but that takes dedication so good job.

James Davidson November 1, 2021 at 1:55 pm

Jim Cantorie gets very excited when he hears thunder snow.

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