Strange Weather

Weird Weather in Charlotte NC

This is a service I provide to my friends, as well as anyone else on the Web right now, at no charge, and I encourage those who are interested to subscribe to my news feed, as this is a one-of-a-kind channel – you never know what you will find. And by that, I don’t mean something like, “If you walked into (a hardware store, perhaps?) blindfolded and (with a team to make sure you do not hurt yourself; lol) – you never know what you might walk out the doors with!”

Not here. I cover almost EVERYTHING from daily life and petty nuisances to serious, worldwide global issues. My writing technique is a work of art I have developed over the years and decades intentionally, for these very reasons: 1. Without these skills, you will have no audience. And a writer/publisher with no audience has not accomplished his or her goals whatsoever. 2. Delivering the Message. If I can hold your attention just long enough, you might – especially if you help me out by leaving feedback and comments, including criticism (as long as it is not insulting or uncouth) – I am open to all of that.

I strongly believe that we can turn this world around, rather than merely complaining about it, as they do on TV. I’m not talking about any violence by that; I simply mean to say that with a non-ultra-competitive nature being replaced by a CO-OPERATIVE nature, if it could be implemented – though certainly not by force – the point is, to PREVENT the OTHERWISE INEVITABLE abuse of human rights and dignity. We’ve seen it before, and it happens to the innocent people just like it happens to the guilty parties.

I simply have the objective to avoid more war. I completely understand that a preemptive defense strike, ironic though it may sound, with today’s technology, it really makes even more sense now than it has in the past.

Snowden supposedly blew the lid off this thing. Are you SURE? Do you know him personally? The same goes for this Greenwald or whatever his handler’s name is.

Regardless, I have never seen so many geopolitical GAMES being played all at the same time, by those in government, while MILLIONS of innocent children and their families suffer in pain due to malnutrition, starvation, drinking contaminated water, or simply having nothing at all. That is, if they haven’t been skewered by their once normal and peaceful, productive neighbor on the way to the Red Cross trucks that came to deliver food and water – unfortunately, not ENOUGH food and water to service EVERYONE, which CASCADES into a total BREAKDOWN of the very bonds of human civility, almost down to the atomic and subatomic levels – it is a force that must be reckoned with and dealt with – it is one thing for people to see a fancy house or apartment or building and say ooh I wish I had that.

But when it comes to having no water or food for your children, the human reaction is EXTREMELY different, and has NOTHING to do with jealousy, as some might claim (and even do, today).


Copyright (C) 2014 Brendon P. Tristal


Unless otherwise specified, or unless I mistakenly violate copyright laws (I am not a lawyer – though I would cooperate in resolving such issues voluntarily, if brought forth, unless I feel certain that I am NOT in violation)


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