Strange Weather

What's Happening To The Planet ? STRANGE EVENTS- March, 2021

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Strange, weather, warning, events, all, over, the, world, storm, Earthquake, volcano erupting, thunder, lightning, tornado, rain, inundación terremoto,disaster, weird, def, earthquake (disaster type), flood (disaster type), 2019, ww3, extraterrestrial, strange sounds, space sounds, mysterious sounds,deslizamiento de tierra, strange sound, sound, hum, trumpet sound, sinkhole, tornado ,landslide, END TIME SIGNS


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andrew lin March 28, 2021 at 2:46 pm

No wonder why we're facing the heat in India

♥ άтћĕήά ♥ March 28, 2021 at 2:47 pm


Prowadzona drogami życia przez Ojca March 28, 2021 at 3:11 pm

Jak słyszeliśmy w Orędziu Matki Bożej Ameryka będzie biczowania a Meksyk zostanie wstrząśnięty.
A więc to co tu widzimy to jest maleńki pikusiek.
Ja szczerze radzę się ewakuować z jułesej.
A w szczególności Polonii mieszkającej w Stanach.
Nie znałam tych Orędzi a dzięki Bogu wiedziałam to już kilka lat temu.
Jeszcze na wirtualnej o tym pisałam to mnie wyśmiano w komentarzach.
A czy wogóle ktokolwiek posłuchał i słucha Matki Bożej w jułesej?
Statuła Wolności będzie rozwalona w drobny pył.
Nikt przed Bogiem nie ucieknie bo nie ma gdzie.

Prowadzona drogami życia przez Ojca March 28, 2021 at 3:19 pm

Baal o co ci chodzi w tej " ala komecie" nad Waszyngtonem ? 🤔
Hmmmmm chyba się domyślam.
Pisać czy się wstrzymać?
W każdym bądź razie jułesej.

Prowadzona drogami życia przez Ojca March 28, 2021 at 3:28 pm


Wiem, Panie, że droga człowieka nie od niego zależy i że nikt, gdy idzie sam , nie kieruje swoim krokiem.
Karć mnie , Panie, ale według sprawiedliwej miary, nie w swoim gniewie, abyś mnie nie zniweczył !
Wylej swoją zawziętość na narody, które Cię nie znają, i na plemiona, które nie wzywają Twojego Imienia, gdyż pożarły Jakuba, zniszczyły go i spustoszyły jego niwę.

Miss mart pants March 28, 2021 at 4:10 pm

God bless!

Prowadzona drogami życia przez Ojca March 28, 2021 at 4:45 pm

A powiedzieć ci Baal czego ty się jeszcze obawiasz? Przez te 6 i pół tygodnia?
To u Świętej Faustyny Kowalskiej jest przepowiedziane.
I jeszcze u innej Świętej.

Topsedir March 28, 2021 at 5:39 pm

Following the signs of end

Kananaskis Country March 28, 2021 at 6:37 pm

prayers for the people who are in these area's 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

L WGG March 28, 2021 at 7:07 pm

Go plant-based. You'd be saving fish, sharks, dolphins, factory animals, the climate, your children and all people worldwide living in poverty.

Revoltagainst Secretsocieties/nonwo March 28, 2021 at 7:15 pm

Sources say it's going to be raining bacteria and viruses soon literally. The source is weatherboy and he the predicted weather march madness. Weather manipulation at its finest.

J. kolio March 29, 2021 at 2:46 am

Well it is the season for monsoons

Jose Conejo March 29, 2021 at 3:01 am

Still think there's another God?😂🤣🖕🤘

eric harp March 29, 2021 at 5:09 am

i am so glad that you are back 🙂

Roslyn Janke March 29, 2021 at 6:43 am



😪in a time of such uncertainty and suffering and diseases and disasters 😪

There have been wars, And rumours of wars, all of which has plagued mankind

since the beginning, & now Mankind has the ability to wipe out every living

thing on earth, with a race to have the most nuclear weapons & such deranged

leaders holding the key. Just as the outbreak of coronavirus, Ebola, & numerous

other deadly diseases along with extreme flooding in numerous countries, famines

droughts and tornadoes record heat, fires, increase in earthquakes happening daily

hurricanes that have increased in intensity & strength, biblical plagues of locusts

in numerous countries, mass animal die offs, landslides and the list goes on. All

these things are mentioned in the book of Revelation, the final book of the Holy

Bible. It also mentions the increase in evil that has taken hold of the world

where nothing makes sense anymore, increased crime & lawlessness, where GOOD is

now considered evil where people are worshipping the devil & not GOD & laws have

been changed to accommodate the minority & not the majority of the people. All

these things can't be ignored any longer. GOD so loved the world, that He gave

His only begotten Son so whosoever believeth in Him, will not perish, but have

everlasting life. John 3:16 The most read verse in the bible. This is a proclamation

of a enduring & everlasting love a most selfless act of love ever told. GOD loves all

of mankind and wants to give the free gift of eternal life to all who will accept it.

Through believing in & on His Son Jesus Christ & the fact that He lived, was crucified

died, was buried & rose to life again on the 3rd day and is seated at the right hand of

GOD. As is written in the Scriptures 🕊🙏🕊 We are all sinners & come short of the

Glory of GOD, but He loves us that much, that He became flesh, through His Son

so we could be reconciled back to Him, by the free gift of GOD & through Faith in

His Son Jesus Christ you are SAVED. It's that simple. By accepting Jesus Christ as

your Lord & Saviour and following Him from then on, you are promised eternal life

Acknowledge your sins, REPENT of your sins, believe in the Son of GOD & believe

the Gospel with all your heart, Call upon Jesus name accept Him as your Lord and

Saviour asking for forgiveness of sins, and you will be saved. To eternal life after

death, and to a life of everlasting love, joy, happiness & peace, with no more crying

no more pain nor death in a wonderful paradise, with such beauty that no one on earth

could possibly comprehend. This is the PROMISE of the Lord Jesus Christ to all who

love and follow Him. There is no greater love then this. I pray to all who read this

that you SEEK the Lord while He can be found, CALL upon Him while He is near. Isaiah

55:6 JESUS CHRIST is returning soon, REPENT, believe in the Son of GOD, believe in

the Gospel of Salvation, be born again in Christ and be SAVED. May GODS BLESSINGS

BE UPON YOU ALL. In Jesus Holy & Blessed name A.MEN


Kr He March 29, 2021 at 7:11 am

I missed your videos

mona hassan March 29, 2021 at 5:01 pm

Thank you for your efforts

Pendle Lancashire March 30, 2021 at 6:08 pm

welcome to wide spread weather manipulation.

rennie rad March 30, 2021 at 9:25 pm

You have to admit the weather has been playing some funky tricks on us lately.

Lady March 31, 2021 at 8:13 pm

Prayers for the people there 🙏🙏🙏

ER. ERNAWATI. RADAR. ORARI. April 1, 2021 at 11:22 pm

WOrLD jaga tol. Jaga gereja seluruh DuNIa dengan ANUNG pelacak agar de la Penghuni gereja Sebeb Untuk kegiatan pemberontak. Dan masjid. Jagalah agar tak bangkit kan mayat. Sebeb banyak Galian kuburan terutama covid-19 semua makam kosong mayat dibawa ke Kota bukit tinggi Untuk berbangkit namun arwah roh nyata genderuwo. Dan nimbrung merecok kehidupan nyata utusan ALLAh dan Rasul

patsi sota April 2, 2021 at 6:12 am

Missed you, I'm glad you are back. Love, Light & Healing

Auntie Tee April 3, 2021 at 5:21 am

The earth is dying, that's what's happening, wait until Summertime it gets real scary.

Frank Palancio April 4, 2021 at 4:29 am

Thoughts and prayers

VB April 4, 2021 at 11:51 am

Telegram brought me here, truth made me stay….

Amylouava April 12, 2021 at 12:37 pm

We are in end days for sure. Be strong we need to stick together 🙏

rmjeter1 April 15, 2021 at 1:02 pm


Vincent Dolphin April 21, 2021 at 7:55 pm

Few earthquakes and tornadoes with music to scare people into thinking something is coming 😆

William Boggess April 27, 2021 at 4:10 am

Earthquakes Storms, Flooding, Tornado's Erosion?
These things have been happening for thousands or millions of years, SO WHAT?

The Edge May 9, 2021 at 5:19 pm


jdw616 May 20, 2021 at 6:56 pm

Revelation 17 and 18, America is going to be nuked to dust.

iLL jB May 29, 2021 at 10:54 pm

God has come to fulfill destroy

Eye Drop June 7, 2021 at 3:32 am

All these false preachers in the comments like cut the cap

Singing Acapella Songs & Music Channel June 12, 2021 at 11:50 pm

John 3 : 16, Matthew 24 & Revelation 1 – 22 : 25, Ephesians 4 – 6, Luke 20 – 22, Matthew 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 19, & 24, Psalms 1, 2, 22, 23, 25, 27, 70, 71, 72, 40, 41, 42, & 91, Alpeh, Beta, & Gemmel, etc. 115 – 125, Jude 4 & 5, James 1 – 5, Acts 2 : 5, Proverbs 18 : 24, 16: 1 – 3, Deuteronomy 28, Ruth 1 – 4, John 17 +, John 3 : 16 + John 14 : 6 +, " For YHWH God gave his only begotten son for the sins of the world so that whomever believes in him will have eternal through his body may die. To pay for the sins of anyone who believes in him. " – John 3 : 16.

I am not a preacher, but I believe and people need to see Matthew 26 , 24, & 25 are happening. Revelation 19 is going to happen soon. Acts 3 to 5 is going to happen soon and we may or may not be of this earth anymore. + Jesus Christ is The Messiah, The Son of Man, The Son of God, he came to earth as a baby, a child, then a man, to preach " The Gospel", " The Good News", to show fruits and truth of his word. With miracles, healings, raising of the sick, ailing, blind, and even the dead. He died during Passover, as " The Lamb" of God. He died on the cross, then arose during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. He defeated Death, Satan, and took the keys of Hell, and life and destiny itself. He preached The Gospel to the dead. Then he arose 3 days later, and then 40 days later ascended to Heaven. Then 50 days later, The Holy Spirit arrived and gave us The Feast of Pentecost! He is returning soon, The Antichrist, Abaddon, and Satan are already a planned take over. It is much closer than people realize. So repent of your sins. Get baptized if possible, ask The Holy Spirit to come into you. I am not a preacher, just a believer, this is where we are going. Pray to be raptured and to return with The Army of Christ, as a Saint marching in. Make sure you are in that number. Make sure you are kept from God's Wrath.

Pascal Guerandel June 23, 2021 at 10:39 pm

Has anybody seen Elvis lately 🤣🤣🤣😜

BN ANDRSIN June 24, 2021 at 4:30 am

We are just sitting ducks

Brandi Jana- Prophetess June 30, 2021 at 12:46 am

" you have a Holy Bible?"
-asks the Lord, the Living Word

"All Prophecy shall Come to pass"
-says Me, the Word of God

"Behold..My Bride has Opened Me and Received Me.
The End Result…the Glory of God.
Once you decide to have My Life…You shall Receive My Life. I Give it All to you."
-says the Lord, the very Spirit of Life

"You have received Divine Protection, just as I have received Divine Protection"
-said the Lord, my Permanent Place of Safety

Signs in the earth as well as in Heavenly Places.

"Signs Everywhere"
-proclaims the Lord of lords

I Have Come Forth
-says Jesus, the Christ

~Let the Bridegroom go forth from His Chamber, and the Bride out of Her closet~
Joel 2:16

I Am the Holy Spirit of Love. I Am the Holy Spirit, who Leads.
I Am the Holy Spirit. I will Guide you into all Truth.
The Ultimate Job of the Holy Spirit is to Speak about the Lord of lords.
He is Before All things. And through Him, All things Consist.

Behold, the Father's Christ…
-says the Holy Spirit, who Searches the Deep things of God

"I Have Come Forth" -says I Am He

"I Am the Bridegroom, the Sun of Righteousness. I have already Risen upon the Bride"
-says Me, the Lord

"This is My Lovely Bride. You can call Her by My Father's Name. My Father, who is Greater than All, Gave Her to Me. She is Mine."
-says the King of Love

"Could it be that there was no 'seven year itch' for the Bride? A Wife is Covered by her Husband. I Am Maker. I Am Husband. I Am a Lover in All Things. Love Always Protects."
-says the Lord, the Defender and Protector of mankind

"The Kingdom has Come. My Bride is with Me. I Am One with My Bride and She will Always be Mine. It is Done."
Behold My Kingdom…My Queen is My Bride."
-says I Am King

"His Wife has an Order. She is a Queen of God"
-says the Holy Spirit, who Leads

"We were Hid. And We took a Book from the Book of Life and the Book of Daniel. One Hidden and Anointed. One Completed and Anointed. Who knew? Only God Knew. God Knew that it was Time for us to be Together. Our Time has Come. Behold, I have Made a Bride who Comes Forth."
-says my Maker, my Husband

"Bride of Glory, Come out of your closet. You don't have to hide anymore. I have Hid you and I have Found you"
-said God, who makes all thing Possible

He Hid me in Christ.

And the Lord said to me with a Shout…
"Arise! Shine! -said the Lord
"Prophetic Bride, Show Forth your Glory. I Set you on a Hill. A City set on this Hill cannot be hid. Queen of Heaven, Introduce Yourself" -said My Light, who has Come

"I Am the Bride and Wife of Christ" -says I Am His
"Jesus is My Story. He is My Song. He is the Reward of My Salvation. I Am One with the One who is Far Above All power and principality. I have Received the Glory. I Am the Glory of Change"

"I Am Spiritual Israel. I Am the Wife of His Age. God has already Marked me as SAFE and I Am Seated with Him in Glory. I have already worked out my own Salvation. I have already passed from death into Life. I have already been Captured and TAKEN into the Son. I have already had my Rapture. I have already Received my Crown of Life. I have already entered into my Eternal Life. I Am a New Creation. I Am the New Life of God in Christ. I Am the Trumpet of God, who Calls."
-says the Trumpet Horn, who has Blown

Meet Jesus..
I have been Raised and Seated to New Life with Him. I Am One Seat with Him.
-says the Bride, who has been Reconciled back to God

"Queen of Heaven …Take your Seat. Sit down in My Seat. Sit in what Belongs to you. All that is Mine is yours."
-said the Lord, who is a Gentleman

"I have been Caught Up and TAKEN into His Presence…I Am Always in His Presence. His Presence is Constant. Our Relationship is Constant"
-say My Bride, who Dwells with Me in Safety and Glory

And the Lord Spoke to me:
"My Beautiful Bride, I Am here to Meet you. This is your Second Life."
-said the Lord, the Second Adam
"Your Life belongs to Me. Your Future belongs to Me. You have been Given Divine Protection, just as I have been Given Divine Protection -said the Lord, the Thief in the Night
"I have Raised you. And I will Raise you again. I have Changed you. And I will Change you again..In One Moment, in a Twinkling of an eye"
-said the Lord, who has Given me His Glory

"Believer, the Kingdom of God is Already within you." -says God, who Chose to Reveal Himself in me

"This is My Beloved Wife. She is the Shulamite Bride. She is My True Wife."
-says the King of kings, my Song of songs
"He who uncovers a Wife, uncovers a Good thing. We are Husband and Wife"
-proclaims the Great High Priest

"God knew you in Advance. I Am the Shulamite Bride, as He Prophesied" -says the Bride, who has been Revealed with Him in Glory
"Behold Her Bridal Gift…The Gift of: Bride of Revelation, I have Given to Her. That is Rare. God gives Good Gifts to man, Irrevocable ones" -says the Lord, who has Given me All things
"I have Given you the Trump of Revelation" -said the Spirit of the Lord, who Rests upon me

"The Clouds of Glory are Revealed" -says the Lord, who has Descended
"Cloud of Glory, Prepare the Way Before Me. I Am sending you down with the voice of the archangel" -said God, who is with me

And Michael, the archangel, spoke to me. The angel of the Lord said to me:
I Speak over you…888
"Michael Spoke this Glory over me"
-says the Bride, a Citizen of Heaven

"Heaven meets earth." -proclaims the Bride, who is Divine
"Here Comes the Bridegroom!" -proclaims the Bride of Revelation

To the Believer:
"I Am the One who Loves you and Gave His life for you. On the Third Day, I was the Resurrected One for you. Behold the Power of the Cross…Your Light has Come. The Day of the Lord is Here Now. I have Given and Taken away from the world for this Day. It is Finished for the Believer. We are Now in Rewards."
"COMPLETION" -says He, who has begun a Good work in you

"Children of the Day, It is your Portion to Rejoice until the end. Rejoice and be Glad! God Saved you when you Believed. You entered Salvation through a Door that No man can shut" -says the Door

"Behold…AT THE SOUND OF MY GLORY, I COMMAND YOU ALL TO RISE! All is well or Nothing at All. All is Perfect or Nothing at All. Behold, I Give you All. The Good Life, the Perfect, the Life. Your New Spirits are Real, I have Seen them. I Am the Kingdom of God who is already within you. I Am the Life and all who are of Me. I Am the Life..The Spirit and the Life"
-says the Life Giving Spirit, who has Come for you and is Leaving with you

"As you Embark on your Second Life, Continue to Seek Me in all that you do. I still, yet, remain a Rewarder to those who diligently Seek Me." -says Jesus, the Great Reward

"The Salvation of those in Christ cannot be Hid, for the Spirit of the Lord rest upon them. One cannot hide themselves from My Countenance. I will Rise upon you. I will Surround you with My Word. And I Am going to Heal you with the Sound of Life. You should be Radiant to one another."
-says the Sun of Righteousness, who has Risen

"Having Come Forth for them and Leaving with them, He will Not Forsake His Inheritance"
-says the Holy Spirit of Eternal Promise

"I Am a Personal God. The Time has Come. Come Deeper than the Cross. Meet Me"
-says the Lord, who has Come this Far for you

"A Divine Exodus taking Place Now. A Divine Evacuation..The Rapture is NOW."
-says the Shadow of the Most High
"New Mission for the angels…Four Corners." -says the Lord
This is the Gathering of the Saints. Heaven is NOW"
-declares the Lord, who has Given me Eyes to See and Ears to Hear

To All Nations:
"I Am the One who Loves you and Gave His life for you. Because the Standard to enter into Heaven is Absolute Perfection, I died for you. Salvation is Simple. Someone took your punishment for you. That's what Salvation is all about. Salvation is hid in Christ. I Am the Christ..Your Light has Come. -says the Risen One

"This is Peace and Safety..He who Dwells in the Shadow of the Most High. The Kingdom of God is open to everyone. And My Love for you is Real. Come to Me. Believe in Me. Come all who are Hungry and Thirsty…Come, and I will pour My Heart out to you. You are Welcomed at All Costs. Come…"
-says the Hope of the world, JESUS

"All that you Need pertaining to Life and godliness, I have Provided in Christ" -says God, the Father
"In Christ, you have been Provided with Everything you Need"
-says God, the Provider
"Jesus is All you Need" -says the Bride, who is Clothed with the Son

"Can all who Call upon the Lord be Saved?" -asks the Lord, the Cross Barer
"At that exact moment" -replies the Lord, who makes all things New
"All who call upon Jesus shall be Eternally Saved"
-says God, the Rock of Eternal

"May you Continue to give them Divine Instructions and understanding at such a Time as This" -says My Eternal Wife, who has Prayed to Me

"All Nations, it is your Time to Come" -says the Holy Spirit of Love and the Bride of Christ
"JESUS IS HERE!" -proclaims the Voice, crying in the wilderness

-says Jesus, the Great Revelation

Edvinas Rybakas July 3, 2021 at 5:27 pm

Its called consequences, for sucking our planet dry for resources.

Michael Newell August 6, 2021 at 6:04 pm

End of days for who? For the planet or for the people? The planet will be here long after people are gone and it will repair itself.

Just like the many different versions of mankind are no longer here. We are not the first or the last version of mankind that will walk this planet.

Oh, and by the way. Natural catastrophes have been happening on this rock ever since it was formed. Just 20,000 years ago with the earth was covered in a mile thick layer of ice. Previous to that it had so many volcanoes no one could breath the atmosphere. The greatest history of the earth has been events like that. Nothing unusual.

Orange Ball October 11, 2021 at 1:39 am

Earth pains. Described as in the bible. as for the last days. Accept Jesus Christ before its too late

Orange Ball October 11, 2021 at 1:39 am

Tell everyone you see about Jesus now

Kristian October 13, 2021 at 7:27 pm

Time is running out, Jesus is returning. Repent and gave your life to Christ before it’s too late

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