Strange Weather

When Mother Nature Gets Wild 2021 (Extreme Weather Phenomena) Part 1

Amidst this pandemic and worsening extreme weather phenomena, hundreds of thousands of people have died worldwide, and the death toll continues to rise.
Something that we can’t even see with our own eyes is causing mayhem across the globe.
Mother Nature seems mad.
We should employ the same enthusiasm as we did to prevent the coronavirus from spreading and approach to protect our mother rather than destroy her. Earth is our home, and we must take care of it just as it takes care of us.
Let’s watch the first part of this video that shows how deadly our Mother Nature can be.


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1 comment

Online Tindera vlog July 8, 2021 at 6:55 am

Nakakatakot ang pag ang mother nature ang gumanti kaya dapat tayong mga tao alagaan ang kalikasan at huwag itong abusuhin.

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